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#1 Posted : 28 November 2016 14:48:20(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Good afternoon,

I am currently looking for employment and am interested in employment in Dubai and am looking for advice on possible routes to achieve this. I have signed up to a few 'big' recruiters but have had little/no reponse.

I am Diploma qualified working towards CMIOSH and have experience in construction and FMCG/Food manufacture.



#2 Posted : 28 November 2016 14:55:56(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

#3 Posted : 28 November 2016 15:04:29(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user


bayt.com is (i'm told!) the main UAE/Middle East jobsite. That said - I have heard that its very much who you know and if they can get you in somewhere - that many people fire off applications on Indeed/Bayt etc that its more likely a 'friend of a friend' might be of more use!

#4 Posted : 29 November 2016 10:35:31(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Thanks guys for the tips. Maybe a friend of a friend on here can be a friend to me 😊
#5 Posted : 22 December 2016 11:57:51(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Ive been working in Dubai now for 8 years, when I decided that Dubai might be a good place to live I posted my CV on several recruitment sites. I was approached by Hayes at the time and ended up landing my first HSE role out here through them. There are several recruitment pages on linkedin, I would suggest trying those. Look at gulf talent and Bayt.

The markets a little slow at the moment, particulally in construction and O&G. However, there are opportunities out here.

Good luck.

PS: its a great place to live, safe for kids, the sun shines and its tax free :)

#6 Posted : 22 December 2016 13:38:49(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Thanks Slater24187

I have contacted a few agencies and the general feedback is that its quiet everywhere at the minute but should pick up in the new year. I'm in FMCG food manufacture and have been told that this is on the increase in Dubai so fingers crossed.

I have been to Dubai for a holiday which I think is what has triggered my interest (along with the tax free earnings of course)

All the best.

#7 Posted : 23 December 2016 03:20:25(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I would add that its well worth doing your homework on costs of living in Dubai or any of the ME countries before signing on the dotted line of any future contract. You can find typical details on a number of the expatriate websites so let google be your friend.

A lot of the employers have shifted away from salary plus package types of contract and instead offer all ins. Whilst the figure may look good on paper and signficantly up from a typical UK salary, once you factor in housing, schooling etc it can soon dwindle.

Make no mistake, the streets are no longer paved with gold but the weather does make up it still. Also consider some of the other ME countries, Bahrain is very different but a very enjoyable country to live and work in, Saudi has its plus points, Qatar is relatively bouyant, Oman is very chilled out and Kuwait has its charms. There is, as there has been for years, talk of income tax coming so enjoy it now whilst you can. 

Good luck with your search

#8 Posted : 23 December 2016 09:11:48(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Thank you sean.nuttall some good advice there, particularly around reading contracts before signing, I would probably seek advice on contract if it got to that stage.

I am also looking at other countries that you mention.

All the best.

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