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Keith Hole  
#1 Posted : 09 February 2020 18:01:20(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Keith Hole

Dear all, 

As a current Council member, I took the initiative to review the social media forums and discussion forums available to both members and non-members of IOSH.

I would value any comments on people current experience of this forum.

Key questions I have are;

1.      Do you find the forums welcoming?

2.      Have you found the information accurate and helpful?

3.      Do you like the anonymity of the forum against the visibility of other communication channels?



#2 Posted : 09 February 2020 21:34:24(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Keith - bit strange to ask in the public forum when the usefulness should be to the membership. This luddite avoids SM particularly those channels that demand total identity along with my data to trade. Also would seek to avoid my employers and those who could be identified any embarrasment. Or like the grade review have council now concluded another fait au complait? Personal issue RIDDOR - enough questions and answers on this forum that a decent organisation could have turned into an FAQ that would embarrass the HSE and eliminate many postings. And if you have read these forums you will realise OUR professional interests are not served in the common platforms
thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#3 Posted : 09 February 2020 21:34:24(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Keith - bit strange to ask in the public forum when the usefulness should be to the membership. This luddite avoids SM particularly those channels that demand total identity along with my data to trade. Also would seek to avoid my employers and those who could be identified any embarrasment. Or like the grade review have council now concluded another fait au complait? Personal issue RIDDOR - enough questions and answers on this forum that a decent organisation could have turned into an FAQ that would embarrass the HSE and eliminate many postings. And if you have read these forums you will realise OUR professional interests are not served in the common platforms
thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#4 Posted : 09 February 2020 21:36:02(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

1. Yes

2. Mostly, although on some ocassions, some forum members clearly comment on matters without any real competence. This is not helpful

3. Yes. My employer would not welcome my presence here and especially when I refer to matters realting to my workplace

PS: Can we have a spellchecker and a facility to attcah documents please?


thanks 3 users thanked Messey for this useful post.
A Kurdziel on 10/02/2020(UTC), jwk on 10/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#5 Posted : 10 February 2020 10:13:51(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

1. Yes, as a rule.

2. Yes, most of the time. Although I tend to respond to questions as opposed to asking questions.

3. I don't need anonymity and have never used a pseudonym.

I do not know how many members of the public use these forums as well as IOSH members. I also feel the forums lack some TLC by IOSH. For example, whatever happended to the spill chucker?

Keith, thanks for asking. 

thanks 1 user thanked RayRapp for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#6 Posted : 10 February 2020 10:28:57(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

1. Most of the time

2. In the main yes. some very helpful people on here. Sometimes it's just good to bounce ideas out there.

3.  Yes, some clients might not like the fact I'm on here. Some seem to think I know the H&S manual back to front and can quote it verbatum

thanks 2 users thanked Mark-W for this useful post.
A Kurdziel on 10/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#7 Posted : 10 February 2020 10:39:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

1. Mostly, yes

2. Lots of knowledge and experience to draw from.

3. I use the anonymity to a degree - may have to change this in the future.

thanks 1 user thanked RVThompson for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
A Kurdziel  
#8 Posted : 10 February 2020 10:43:55(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
A Kurdziel

I like the forum as it is public and you don’t have to be register unlike social media sites, where of course you become a data unit to be commodified and traded.

Anonymity means that you can share real life experiences rather than have to toe the corporate line all of the time

Lots of different people use it and it interesting to see how other sectors approach various issues. If it were to be divided up into smaller groups then we would lose that generalist approach.

thanks 1 user thanked A Kurdziel for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#9 Posted : 10 February 2020 11:29:50(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I enjoy the forum becuase it has a wide variety of questions which help me with my own knowldege and understanding of H&S and how far it reaches. The problem is there are only a handful that reply to posts ( You can't do anything about that) I suppose it is what it is. 

thanks 1 user thanked Gasman for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#10 Posted : 10 February 2020 13:17:41(UTC)
Rank: Forum user


For me, the forum has good points and bad points but definitely still has a place in the membership.

I was late to join the forums purely because I didn't know about them until Council elections, but I have loved engaging with members in the forums, and for the most part they have been welcoming and helpful.  However, at times the healthy debate has sometimes spiralled and I have seen posts become personal and one could argue confrontational, but I do believe that some of that is down to the written word.  Despite this I have remained an active participant, although I do have to say that the unhealthy and negative behaviours have impacted how often I use the forums.

I think there are pros and cons of anonymity.  Anonymity has its uses when asking for advice and discussing real situations, however that same anonymity has allowed those conversations to spiral, and allowed negative behaviours to develop, and I believe this needs to stop.

I know there will be the argument that it is down to moderators to police forums, but we're all adults and we should be capable of holding conversations and exchanges with our colleagues without needing a moderator to tell us that our comments are out of line.

All this being said I do believe that the forum is a valid source of engagement for the membership.


thanks 2 users thanked Natasha.Graham for this useful post.
jmaclaughlin on 12/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
Elfin Davy 09  
#11 Posted : 10 February 2020 13:37:06(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Elfin Davy 09

Largely in agreement with the general consensus so far...

1.  Yes, mostly.  Often we have different opinions (usually down to our individual interpretation of H&S Regulations) but that's fine - a little "heated debate" can be healthy and interesting as long as it doesn't become personal (which I have to agree it has on occasions) and I also agree that this shouldn't happen.

2.  Yes, generally.  Sometimes you can feel like the World's against you in this profession, and it's good to be able to share the burden at times and also seek the opinion of others who may be (or may have been) in the same boat, and how they have dealt with a similar issue.

3.  Yes, for the same reason as others have given.  We may not all be as "honest" if our identity was open to all (although I also agree that the anonymity is sometimes abused by those who occasionally spar for a fight on here too).

Overall however, I think the good points outweight the bad, and I would mourn the loss of the forum if it ever came to that.

thanks 1 user thanked Elfin Davy 09 for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#12 Posted : 10 February 2020 13:58:59(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hi Keith,

1) Yes

2) Yes, the regular contributors are very reliable, some of them obvious subject-matter or specialism experts

3) I like the anonymity,

Mr X (John)

thanks 1 user thanked jwk for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#13 Posted : 10 February 2020 16:11:46(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hi Keith, some answers from my perspective:

  1. Yes, I think the forums are currently welcoming. They haven't always been though... I joined over 15 years ago and remember them being like the Wild West for new posters.
  2. Accuracy very much depends on the type of question the poster asks, the expertise of those responding and the ability of the initial poster to interpret the wisdom of groups.
  3. Anonymity is very important both for the protection of potential whistleblowers and also on the grounds of commercial sensitivity. It could be misused, but in my mind the benefits outweigh the potential risks if lost. (That said, I chose my pseudonym for a specific reason which no longer exists and could change back if I knew who to contact now.)

Hope this helps you form a view.

thanks 1 user thanked Yossarian for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
peter gotch  
#14 Posted : 10 February 2020 18:57:53(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch

Thanks Keith for taking this initiative.

It seems logical to me for your questions to be posed on the Public rather than Members' Forums since you are seeking the views of non-members along with those of members. Providing the Public Forums is consistent with IOSH's charitable status.

It would be helpful if you would also indicate how you intend to assess IOSH on other social media. Difficult, I think to find out what a representative sample of users (members of IOSH or otherwise) see as the benefits and disbenefits of other SM. You can of course get the views of those close to e.g. members of Council, but those are unlikely to be representative of most IOSH members, including the vast majority who don't even participate in IOSH elections.

Here you have access to 84,000 names - whilst recognising that there may be some doubles and many who are to all intents and purposes not active. I don't know how many of the 84,000 are IOSH members, but overall likely to be more representative of IOSH members than some little private groups on e.g. Linkedin.

As regards your three QQ, my views are probably quite well known, but for the record.

1. Yes mostly

2. Accuracy is dependent on how well the question is posted and sometimes on how strongly respondents feel about specific issues. Always helps one assess the standard of replies where they are backed up with some real evidence.

3. I've never hidden behind anonymity but fully understand why some users of the Forums might wish to do so - for a number of very valid reasons.

thanks 1 user thanked peter gotch for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#15 Posted : 10 February 2020 20:44:10(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

The 84,000+ does seem to include those who sign up, take a look around and never seem to return (well based upon their member profile never seem to have logged in again after that initial access).

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#16 Posted : 10 February 2020 20:44:10(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

The 84,000+ does seem to include those who sign up, take a look around and never seem to return (well based upon their member profile never seem to have logged in again after that initial access).

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#17 Posted : 11 February 2020 11:51:13(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Here are my views:

  • the forums are interesting and I have picked up a number of hints and tips from looking at responses to questions which are not immediately relevant to my workplace
  • the ability to send private messages via the forum to people that I wouldn't normally be able to connect with is very helpful and I have made some useful contacts / virtual friends that way
  • annonimity is useful but not essential to me I make sure I don't post anything that I would be embarassed for my boss to see
  • my only issue is people being negative for no apparent reason especially when question posters are clearly new to H&S roles and trying to gain knowledge from us old hands
thanks 2 users thanked Hsquared14 for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC), Natasha.Graham on 17/02/2020(UTC)
#18 Posted : 11 February 2020 19:09:33(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

 1. Mostly, in the past there has been some rather patronising and unfriendly behaviour which kept me away for a while. These days it is quite welcoming without being to warm and fuzzy.

2. useful to bounce ideas, many of us work alone or in small teams and it is always useful to get anothers perspective, even if you dont see eye to eye.

3. Anominity is a plus, Like others I can use real life examples and questions which I could not do if it were linked directly to me. Plus having a secret identity may help make me a bit "Cool "

thanks 2 users thanked nic168 for this useful post.
jwk on 12/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#19 Posted : 12 February 2020 14:56:21(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

  1. Do you find the forums welcoming?

Mostly, but I did find it by accident, the forums & some of the magazine are insightful, but to be honest, get most of my info from HSE & Safety Central, I have found the rest of IOSH shall we say unimpressive.

  1. Have you found the information accurate and helpful?Usually  very informative, especially on topics I am weak on, have been severely patronised on one occasion but that is the sum total of negative things.

It sort of works on a trust system, there is  posters you trust and those you ignore.

3.      Do you like the anonymity of the forum against the visibility of other communication channels?

It doesn’t bother me one way or the other, in the unlikely event my employer/s want to know what I am posting would happily send them a log of everything I have posted.

Appreciate that other people wish to remain anonymous, that is their prerogative, which I respect.

thanks 1 user thanked jmaclaughlin for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#20 Posted : 13 February 2020 11:43:38(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

1. Usually

2. Often

3. This is a must

But the forums do need more guidelines and moderation.  Guidelines to include: read the question; don't just say "do a risk assessment"; don't attack a poster's competence.

thanks 5 users thanked Kate for this useful post.
A Kurdziel on 13/02/2020(UTC), Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC), Wailes900134 on 15/02/2020(UTC), nic168 on 17/02/2020(UTC), jwk on 24/02/2020(UTC)
#21 Posted : 13 February 2020 11:57:09(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

  1. Usually, however sometimes questions can be bogged down in details that the OP doesn't need.
  2. The information is usually accurate, but sometimes we get differing opinions. Members need to be encouraged (myself included) to post citations/evidence. This way the OP can make more informed decisions.
  3. Whilst I don't mind the anonimity, sometimes it can hinder the process. It can be useful to know the relative expertise in the various sectors of H&S, combined with levels of education. Again, this is not the be all and end all of knowledge, but would help the OP to make an informed decision. At the moment anyone can make any claim. Basically we are a peer reviewed forum, but with no idea of the competence of those peers
thanks 1 user thanked CptBeaky for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
#22 Posted : 13 February 2020 12:00:28(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

1.      Do you find the forums welcoming?

There are some aserbic chartacters on here which has caused me certainly to stop posting in the past and generally cancel my IOSH membership.  It has been so bad of late but there aren't really any meaty subjects coming through...

2.      Have you found the information accurate and helpful?

I actively participate in this form and three others - one legal , one process safety and one medical - I find most of the comments to others useful, however there are a number that google the answer which isn't helpful..

3.      Do you like the anonymity of the forum against the visibility of other communication channels?

It doesn't take a genius to track me down and anonymity could be a good defence for poor advice but more useful for protecting companies of those who are employed and either giving or asking for help...I'm fine either way...

There needs to be more active moderator involvement in the forum - I moderate on two other forums as well as contribute perhaps that is a model that IOSH could adopt?

thanks 1 user thanked stevedm for this useful post.
Keith Hole on 14/02/2020(UTC)
Keith Hole  
#23 Posted : 14 February 2020 10:19:54(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Keith Hole

Thank you Peter, the posting on the public form was very deliberate, and for the most I have good responses.

At this time I am seeking opinion, However IOSH invest in Coms, I want it to spend its money wisely.

as soon as I can share more I will.

Originally Posted by: peter gotch Go to Quoted Post

Thanks Keith for taking this initiative.

It seems logical to me for your questions to be posed on the Public rather than Members' Forums since you are seeking the views of non-members along with those of members. Providing the Public Forums is consistent with IOSH's charitable status.

It would be helpful if you would also indicate how you intend to assess IOSH on other social media. Difficult, I think to find out what a representative sample of users (members of IOSH or otherwise) see as the benefits and disbenefits of other SM. You can of course get the views of those close to e.g. members of Council, but those are unlikely to be representative of most IOSH members, including the vast majority who don't even participate in IOSH elections.

Here you have access to 84,000 names - whilst recognising that there may be some doubles and many who are to all intents and purposes not active. I don't know how many of the 84,000 are IOSH members, but overall likely to be more representative of IOSH members than some little private groups on e.g. Linkedin.

As regards your three QQ, my views are probably quite well known, but for the record.

1. Yes mostly

2. Accuracy is dependent on how well the question is posted and sometimes on how strongly respondents feel about specific issues. Always helps one assess the standard of replies where they are backed up with some real evidence.

3. I've never hidden behind anonymity but fully understand why some users of the Forums might wish to do so - for a number of very valid reasons.

Ian Bell2  
#24 Posted : 14 February 2020 10:35:02(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Ian Bell2

1.      Do you find the forums welcoming?


2.      Have you found the information accurate and helpful?

Depends on the subject under discussion. Some posters provide good advice, other less so. 'Do a risk assessment' or copt & past long lengths of regulations isn't usully helpful, I avoid issues that don't interest me like soft & cuddly topics such as vaping/smoking, 

Many common questions like endless RIDDOR queries could be answered by a FAQ page

3.      Do you like the anonymity of the forum against the visibility of other communication channels?

Yes, its helpful to remain anonymous. DOn't want employers querying time wasted answer questions free of charge.

4, It would be helpful if in the left column, below a users name there was a space to list claimed areas of expertise - my main areas are process safety, DSEAR and mechanical engineering and associated SSW.

5. It would be helpful, if replying to a specific previous comment that the new reply appeared below the comment, not at the end of the current thread. Thats how newspaper websites comments are organised,

6. The usual comments about spell checkers/editing not being easy

7. Appreciate there are copy right and privacy issues, but being able to attach documents or insert photos to posts would sometimes be helpful. ALthough my pet hate is people bltantly asking for large template documents that can then be exploited for free by others,

#25 Posted : 15 February 2020 13:21:43(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

1.      Do you find the forums welcoming?

Have I personally felt unwelcome? No, but I do think very carefully about posting as I have seen some pain for others. Also, when I ask new attendees at branch what they think of the forums the response is overwhelmingly negative and terms such as bullying, trolling etc are common unfortunately. The forum is hard to access by comparison to modern “app” style processes so by comparison to those I couldn’t say I find the process welcoming, No. It would be great to have an app on my phone as quick as LinkedIn etc. The lack of moderation or response makes you feel like it is a malignant legacy rather than a valued feature and even the look and feel of it too. This reinforces the feeling that we’re now seen as a customer base to be exploited rather than a membership base to be served.

2.      Have you found the information accurate and helpful?

I find some posters’ answers absolutely top drawer, others less so and I find my degree of confidence in the information is relative to the person commenting at least as much as the content itself. I do see it largely as opinion rather than treat it as a definitive source that I would quote without further validation but it certainly saves time in that sense. 

I do however think the IOSH Matters aspect should be valued much more. If the members forum cannot be a safe space to raise constructive concern internally then what is? I hear mutterings from the top that some are very unhappy when negativity is shared in places like LinkedIn but if the Institution communicates with members that way then the response will also be that route. If, as we saw recently, a member gets the attention of senior staff members and volunteers within minutes from a LinkedIn rant, having exhausted other routes over months/years then what do they expect? I think letting the forums wither and die because some of the opinions are uncomfortable is pointless as such opinion will eventually find an outlet and it's actually likely to be a less helpful one. Stifling and then perhaps worse prohibiting critical opinion was where the “criminally incompetent” NHS Trusts went before their lids finally blew off… and we all know how well that ended up.

3.      Do you like the anonymity of the forum against the visibility of other communication channels?

I hear what others have said in favour of anonymity and they are good points but if we turned up at branch and all wore balaclavas I think that would detract from the experience so I’d probably prefer a very open approach within a members section. Perhaps with a capacity for an anonymous post box for questions of a genuinely contentious nature but the norm should be an open trusting experience within a safe space.

thanks 2 users thanked Wailes900134 for this useful post.
jmaclaughlin on 17/02/2020(UTC), Natasha.Graham on 17/02/2020(UTC)
#26 Posted : 15 February 2020 18:26:11(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

My employer considers social media (and the internet) to be a platform where only the positive can be expressed about the company - policy says so, along with the threat of disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal, this is why you will not find this particular Roundtuit outside of the iosh forum.

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
nic168 on 17/02/2020(UTC), nic168 on 17/02/2020(UTC)
#27 Posted : 15 February 2020 18:26:11(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

My employer considers social media (and the internet) to be a platform where only the positive can be expressed about the company - policy says so, along with the threat of disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal, this is why you will not find this particular Roundtuit outside of the iosh forum.

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
nic168 on 17/02/2020(UTC), nic168 on 17/02/2020(UTC)
#28 Posted : 15 February 2020 22:40:49(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Originally Posted by: Roundtuit Go to Quoted Post

My employer considers social media (and the internet) to be a platform where only the positive can be expressed about the company - policy says so, along with the threat of disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal, this is why you will not find this particular Roundtuit outside of the iosh forum.

Oh Dear. That's terrible.

It's like having your own clause 4.6. 

#29 Posted : 16 February 2020 21:47:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Does make for interesting applications Homeland Security assume everyone in the developed world must have a presence on BookFace, Grinstaam, Retwitt, Appswhat and only carry a single mobile device.

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Wailes900134 on 17/02/2020(UTC), Wailes900134 on 17/02/2020(UTC)
#30 Posted : 16 February 2020 21:47:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Does make for interesting applications Homeland Security assume everyone in the developed world must have a presence on BookFace, Grinstaam, Retwitt, Appswhat and only carry a single mobile device.

thanks 2 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Wailes900134 on 17/02/2020(UTC), Wailes900134 on 17/02/2020(UTC)
#31 Posted : 17 February 2020 08:46:53(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

 I am in a similar position to roundtuit, any work realted postings on social platforms must be discrete, sunny and upbeat.

Whilst I work with some lovely people, genuinely comitted and well meaning as far as safety is concerned its like shovelling Jello.

Anonimity has allowed me to let of steam as well as ask for advice.

thanks 3 users thanked nic168 for this useful post.
A Kurdziel on 17/02/2020(UTC), chris42 on 17/02/2020(UTC), jwk on 24/02/2020(UTC)
#32 Posted : 17 February 2020 10:18:16(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Originally Posted by: nic168 Go to Quoted Post
Iam in a similar position to roundtuit, any work realted postings on social platforms must be discrete, sunny and upbeat. WhilstIwork with some lovely people, genuinely comitted and well meaning as far as safety is concerned its like shovelling Jello.Anonimity has allowed me to let of steam as well as ask for advice.
A two-state solution perhaps.... A logged-in forum with full transparency for members and a totally separate space with total anonymity for open Q&A's etc.?
#33 Posted : 17 February 2020 10:39:53(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Not sure about that given colleagues within my employer are (based upon their LinkedIn profile) also members

#34 Posted : 17 February 2020 10:39:53(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Not sure about that given colleagues within my employer are (based upon their LinkedIn profile) also members

#35 Posted : 17 February 2020 11:07:51(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Originally Posted by: Roundtuit Go to Quoted Post

Not sure about that given colleagues within my employer are (based upon their LinkedIn profile) also members

But if any questions/answers etc that you had concerns of confidentiallity over were solely in the open totally anonymous area who would know who it was?
#36 Posted : 17 February 2020 12:36:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Your suggestion would make using the forum more complex than it needs to be and with complexity comes greater potential for error.

It is also no longer a "safe space" when you make available details that can be scraped by bots - here too I have had strange conversations when recruiters failed to find my electronic footprint.

#37 Posted : 17 February 2020 12:36:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Your suggestion would make using the forum more complex than it needs to be and with complexity comes greater potential for error.

It is also no longer a "safe space" when you make available details that can be scraped by bots - here too I have had strange conversations when recruiters failed to find my electronic footprint.

#38 Posted : 17 February 2020 14:24:03(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Originally Posted by: Roundtuit Go to Quoted Post

would make using the forum more complex than it needs to be

That's not my intention and i'm in favour of anything to prevent "bot scraping recruiters" for sure! 

I don't have a clue of the technical complexities but if members can have something simple, civil and user friendly that's grand... and if there's a space to protect those who unfortunately might face retribution then that's good too.

All I know is I can use LinkedIn etc with "one button" ease from the bus stop and seperately I solved a difficult issue with the sunroof of my daughters car on a different place by asking a question anonymously and a few hours later getting a brilliant answer that no mechanic or the dealer had found in 6 months.

#39 Posted : 19 February 2020 10:42:48(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

1.      Do you find the forums welcoming?

A: Not in the least. The members, however are fantastic despite the old interface and clutter. Thankfully, most help newbies like myself migrate through things. A mobile version would be fantastic (not an app necessarily, just a mobile friendly version). I've been away from the forums for a while due to connectivity issues and trying to read on a phone just destroys my eyes.

2.      Have you found the information accurate and helpful?

A: Yes, I've received fantastic support from members and I can't thank them enough. There's a mountain of valuable information on these forums, perhaps a means to pin some important member threads would be great (that would imply some sort of active forum moderation)

3.      Do you like the anonymity of the forum against the visibility of other communication channels?

A: Not really but I see how for some it might be a prerequisite as they represent some sensitive organizations. I dislike social media (even LinkedIn is usually filled with people trying to sell me mental health training).

The forums feels like it's made by a friend of a friend that got a contract as a favor (not saying that's how it is, just what it looks like). The constant opening of new tabs (my CPD-log in, forums-log in) gets frustrating after some time. 

peter gotch  
#40 Posted : 20 February 2020 19:58:17(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch

Keith, thanks for keeping us updated.

Agree entirely that it is important for IOSH to spend its Comms budget sensibly.

However, it seems to me that if IOSH supported its own Forums properly the decision on spend on social media would be a rather a no-brainer.

peter gotch  
#41 Posted : 22 February 2020 15:40:26(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch


Reference your comment at #23:

Please can you direct us to the Linkedin thread you were referring to.

I've been on the Linkedin Official IOSH Group site today and couldn't find the thread. [I didn't scroll THAT far down, though equally it might have been censored]

That could be a result of the amount of traffic that is nothing to do with IOSH - including all the job adverts that are prohibited on these Forums - and they are almost all from commercial recruitment companies, rather than members posting vacancies within their organisations - the latter used to be permitted here.

Alternatively it would be some other place in Linkedin - a search there for IOSH gets lots of hits, even one for my own Branch!! [not that I recall my Branch having its presence on Linkedin]

However, what you refer to might assist Keith in his review of the effectiveness of how IOSH targets its Comms.

Thanks, Peter

#42 Posted : 23 February 2020 04:47:35(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Originally Posted by: peter gotch Go to Quoted Post
WailesReference your comment at #23:Please can you direct us to the Linkedin thread you were referring to.I've been on the Linkedin Official IOSH Group site today and couldn't find the thread. [I didn't scroll THAT far down, though equally it might have been censored] That could be a result of the amount of traffic that is nothing to do with IOSH - including all the job adverts that are prohibited on these Forums - and they are almost all from commercial recruitment companies, rather than members posting vacancies within their organisations - the latter used to be permitted here.Alternatively it would be some other place in Linkedin - a search there for IOSH gets lots of hits, even one for my own Branch!! [not that I recall my Branch having its presence on Linkedin] However, what you refer to might assist Keith in his review of the effectiveness of how IOSH targets its Comms. Thanks, Peter
Unfortunately Peter I don't have the technical skills to find it and attach a link but the gist of it was the chap was a chartered member of 15 years who had decided not to renew having become disillusioned with IOSH. He described the very impersonal, automated response email informing him that his membership was cancelled. It read like he expected to have at least received some human contact trying to ascertain why he was leaving and give him the opportunity to get it off his chest. His conclusion was that, to him, this summed up the Institution along the lines of "pay up and shut up" or words very much to that effect. This was posted by him as an individual but very quickly received traffic from senior staff members and volunteers. I guess what the episode taught me was if in the event that someone really wants to get the attention of IOSH then posting their gripes publicly on LinkedIn does seem to be a very efficient method of doing so. My personal view is that the historical twin tracks (membership organisation: commercial service provider) have become too blurred and the communication traffic members get is predominantly of sales/promotion. If people are therefore "taught" that this is how the Institution communicates then it is increasingly likely that this will also be a route people use to communicate back. This will likely mean they get some negative views occasionally, particularly by those who have decided to leave and therefore not be bound by any of the terms of membership. I think it is interesting that those new to the institution get access to a separate forum which seems to have a look and feel much more like LinkedIn than the general ones we currently use.
thanks 1 user thanked Wailes900134 for this useful post.
A Kurdziel on 24/02/2020(UTC)
peter gotch  
#43 Posted : 23 February 2020 16:38:55(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch

I think it is interesting that those new to the institution get access to a separate forum which seems to have a look and feel much more like LinkedIn than the general ones we currently use.

Hi Wailes

Are you saying that there is a forum here for those new members?

Rather than say something set up on Linkedin or other social media?

If yes, I am a little disturbed that this is not openly explained to existing members.

#44 Posted : 23 February 2020 20:27:57(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Right click on the browser search bar when you are in the forum and click copy. Then in this forum on post reply top row of icons 2/3 along is a symbol that looks like chain links when the pop-up box appears left click in the space to set the cursor then right click and select paste this will place the url in your reply.
#45 Posted : 23 February 2020 20:27:57(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Right click on the browser search bar when you are in the forum and click copy. Then in this forum on post reply top row of icons 2/3 along is a symbol that looks like chain links when the pop-up box appears left click in the space to set the cursor then right click and select paste this will place the url in your reply.
#46 Posted : 23 February 2020 20:37:55(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Originally Posted by: peter gotch Go to Quoted Post
I think it is interesting that those new to the institution get access to a separate forum which seems to have a look and feel much more like LinkedIn than the general ones we currently use. Hi WailesAre you saying that there is a forum here for those new members? Rather than say something set up on Linkedin or other social media?If yes, I am a little disturbed that this is not openly explained to existing members.
The forum specifically for new members/"future leaders" is on a different platform similar to the mentoring program. They apply for a login, build a profile with optional photo, hence my summation that it may have a look and feel similar to LinkedIn. I haven't seen it obviously as I don't meet the criteria for entry. I have asked however so if asked by prospective members at branch I don't have to admit being totally in the dark...
#47 Posted : 06 July 2020 21:54:22(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Time has finally found a use for Apple.

Its latest OS incarnation apparently flagging sites such as Reddit and LinkedIn for having captured user clip board information without user permission (new feature in v14).

#48 Posted : 06 July 2020 21:54:22(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Time has finally found a use for Apple.

Its latest OS incarnation apparently flagging sites such as Reddit and LinkedIn for having captured user clip board information without user permission (new feature in v14).

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