Rank: New forum user
Hi all,
I have been involved with various aspects of H&S for a few years, but I am 8 months into my first full time H&S job.
I am leaning towards the NVQ route for my level 3 qualification, as I feel that it will suit me and my role a lot more than the NEBOSH NGC would. It’s the same academic level, and gives me the same access to TECHIOSH. My employer and I are eager to get the ball rolling on it, so I thought I’d come on here and ask whether it’s a good choice before I take the plunge.
Has anyone taken this route and found it to work well? Are there any reasons why it would be the wrong route to take?
My plan would be to get some experience under my belt, and eventually progress to the NVQ level 5.
Thank you.
Rank: Super forum user
Hi, I was fire prevention in a factory then made health & safety as well. My employer sent me out onto a NEBOSH 2 week course and I ended up with the certificate after passing the exam. When I changed jobs/company becoming H&S Manager I took a NVQ 3 course, 1 day a week attending lectures etc. and doing the main work at home and some in my office at work. I found being at work very beneficial because I could tailor my proper job to cover the NVQ assignments, making sure my work wasn't compromised. Of everyone in my NVQ group I was first to finish due to the above. I then took on the NVQ 4 and could caarry on as in the NVQ3. I might add that I have Dyslexia and find learning for an exam very difficult whearas the NVQ being work based was much easier for me.
Rank: Super forum user
Hi kray Many moons ago, I decided it would be a good idea to put a part time secretary supporting two H&S professionals though the NEBOSH GC as it would enable them to become a better so called gatekeeper and field many of the more routine enquiries that were coming through to us. So they did the course, passed with flying colours and then I couldn't understand much of what they were speaking as they had learned NEBOSH speak. Hence, when, unsurprisingly, they then told me that they wanted a career change we took the next stage of academic development by an NVQ and they were the first of what became a small conveyor belt of our staff moving up the H&S academic ladder via NVQs. As firesafety indicates different routes suit different people but as you point out an NVQ Level 3 is at exactly the same levelNEBOSH GC on the European Qualifications Framework, has equal recognition in the eyes of IOSH (and anyone else who understands the principles of the EQF), so go for it! Good luck, Peter
Rank: New forum user
Thank you for your responses.
Part of my concern was that employers (or at least recruiters) seem to have a bias in favour of NEBOSH qualifications, but I'm more than happy with my current employer so I don't see that as an issue in the short term. I definitely want to go the NVQ route, and I am grateful for the guidance of people with more experience in OHS than myself as I'm now sure that it won't put me at a disadvantage. Now to find a decent learning provider. I plan to see what's on offer at the upcoming H&S event at the NEC.
 1 user thanked kraygbradley for this useful post.
Rank: Super forum user
I was lucky having a friend of a friend who managed to get loads of money from Europe for H&S training. He set up a 1 day per week NVQ 3 training course free for certain people who he saw qualified enough to attend. 12 months later I received my NVQ3 cert and started the NVQ4 course continuing at the same venue while others were still doing their NVQ3. I was working as H&S Manager in a construction company and did some of the coursework at my desk the rest at home in a bedroom. As H&S Manager I could arrange my days as I wanted to and included some of the NVQ stuff into the work I did. As I was actually doing the work required by the NVQ on a daily basis with some I added to my workload I and the business' health and safety improved and I had the documents to prove it. I then qualified as CMIOSH.
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