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We operate a first floor office and have a single evac chair. There are no refuges within the stairwells but they are protected with a rating for 2 hours. The lifts are not suitable for use in the event of evacuation. We have a situation whereby we have multiple people who, due to temporary conditions, require assistance in th event of an evacuation. Obviously, we can only do one person at a time using the evac chair and the obvious solution would be to do multiple trips but I'm loathed to advocate sending people back into a potentially burning building. Realistcally, the fire brigade would be on site before the second person is ready for evac but thats not a suitable control procedure. Thoughts and suggesitons welconed.
Rank: Super forum user
Is working from home or some other location feasible?
Rank: Super forum user
Or temporary hire of additional equipment?
Rank: Super forum user
Or temporary hire of additional equipment?
Rank: Forum user
Would all the people who require assistance actually need an evac chair? Are they all wheelchair users? They may be able to evacuate with some assistance but without the need for equipment - maybe they only need a person supporting them and the use of the handrail? Or could they get down the stairs on their bottom - not ideal but when developing PEEPS for some wheelchair users they have said they would prefer to do this rather than transfer to an evac chair. It really depend on the type and severity of the disability. If indeed they all would need the use of the evac chair then I would recommend purchasing/hiring additional equipment. You may also consider locating the individuals with PEEPS on lower floors.
Hope this helps
 1 user thanked Bass900063 for this useful post.
Rank: Super forum user
When writing the PEEPs were the people involved and did they demonstrate how they can evacuate without the use of EVAC chair. As previously said some people will refuse the use of a chair and they will try very hard to self mobilise. Further, they should all have either a Carer or Buddy who can assist them to evacuate. Edited by user 12 March 2025 11:45:29(UTC)
| Reason: Further information.
Rank: Forum user
Firstly, thank you everyone for your input. I'll try and work through the points in order.
We have temporarily asked one the persons to work from home but it's not possible in the longer term and the person wants to come back in to the office. Temporary hire is a potential option if this is possible. I've not seen rental as an option, only purchase. They're not wheelchair users but people who have difficulty walking and using stairs due to ongoing issues with their back or nervous system. They could potentially use the stairs with assistance or on their bottom but I didnt consider this would be an acceptable proporsal but I suppose the purpose is to get the people out, and the method is almost irrelevant in a fire situation. Each person does have an allocated office buddy but there is always that potential scenario whereby someone is in a different part of the building. Relocating to ground floor isnt an option, the ground floor is an operations environment.
Rank: Super forum user
I think I would want to do a practice run with each of them to see if and how they could get out without the use of the evac chair, and what they were comfortable with. Let's face it, the only reason we hesitate in suggesting going down on their bottom is that this would be undignified, but dignity is in the eye of the person concerned and if they are truly comfortable doing this then I wouldn't have a problem with it.
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