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Thomas Chambers  
#1 Posted : 31 March 2011 17:30:05(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

IOSH’s Food and Drink Group is currently piloting the organisation’s Shadowing Scheme, to offer health and safety graduates at least three months experience of the world of work. Although the project will be officially launched at the IOSH National Food and Drink Manufacturing Conference on 4 and 5 October at Nottingham’s Belfry Hotel, the Group is now encouraging graduates to apply and companies to pledge shadowing places. The Scheme is designed to match graduates’ academic knowledge with practical experience of real-life work situations, and takes them through all the day-to-day responsibilities a health and safety advisor has. Over the next few months the Food and Drink Group website will feature news, company and graduate profiles, and all of the latest developments. For more information, contact IOSH Shadowing Scheme project manager Carolyn Issitt at Carolyn.issitt@iosh.co.uk or call 0116 257 3233.
Ian Edwards JLT  
#2 Posted : 04 April 2011 15:18:09(UTC)
Rank: New forum user
Ian Edwards JLT

An excellent idea that can only serve to improve the quality of the Health & Safety advisers in our food and drink manufacturing and processing sectors. I'm sure this will provide graduates with essential practical experience and assist them to secure permanent positions within the food and drink industry. I'll certainly aim to publicise this programme heavily amongst my companies contacts and client base.
Thomas Chambers  
#3 Posted : 04 April 2011 20:05:38(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

quote=Ian Edwards JLT]An excellent idea that can only serve to improve the quality of the Health & Safety advisers in our food and drink manufacturing and processing sectors. I'm sure this will provide graduates with essential practical experience and assist them to secure permanent positions within the food and drink industry. I'll certainly aim to publicise this programme heavily amongst my companies contacts and client base.
Ian, I was beginning to think that I would not get any responses (Thanks). IOSH are keen to explore how the scheme can be widened to increase the number of opportunities, or improved, any suggestions you or others may wish to offer would be appreciated I will send you a PM with my email address if you don't mind? Other IOSH groups have expressed an interest in participating once we get past the pilot programme following the Food & Drinks conference in October.
#4 Posted : 05 April 2011 19:22:51(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Dear All, If you are new graduate and you want a good start to your career in Health and Safety, then you need to take advantage of this new scheme.
#5 Posted : 06 April 2011 22:59:01(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

How many graduates can be accommodated in this scheme?
#6 Posted : 07 April 2011 11:40:34(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Are we talking open for Univercity graduates or will this include people graduating from NEBOSH etc?
Thomas Chambers  
#7 Posted : 07 April 2011 19:22:09(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

Cyberstoker wrote:
How many graduates can be accommodated in this scheme?
The scheme started with one candidate looking for experience on the forums. We started the full pilot at the beginning of April with between 5 & 10 places pledged by participating companies. Since them IOSH has been approached with offers of additional places, these were the result of the initial press releases. When the scheme is formally launched at the Food & Drinks conference in October we hope to bring more companies and places into the scheme. I hope this answers your question.
Thomas Chambers  
#8 Posted : 07 April 2011 19:49:54(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

MB1 wrote:
Are we talking open for Univercity graduates or will this include people graduating from NEBOSH etc?
MB1, I did post a response to your question but where it ended up is anyones guess. Apologies if it eventually appears. In essence the answer is yes anyone studying or holding a NEBOSH qualification at NVQ 4/5 would be considered, as would a degree or post graduate degree holder. The aim is to give people a chance of securing a permanent position in H&S and each case will be viwed on its individual merits.
#9 Posted : 15 April 2011 14:45:45(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

quote=Thomas Chambers]IOSH’s Food and Drink Group is currently piloting the organisation’s Shadowing Scheme, to offer health and safety graduates at least three months experience of the world of work. Although the project will be officially launched at the IOSH National Food and Drink Manufacturing Conference on 4 and 5 October at Nottingham’s Belfry Hotel, the Group is now encouraging graduates to apply and companies to pledge shadowing places. The Scheme is designed to match graduates’ academic knowledge with practical experience of real-life work situations, and takes them through all the day-to-day responsibilities a health and safety adviser has. Over the next few months the Food and Drink Group website will feature news, company and graduate profiles, and all of the latest developments. Just interested to hear how this scheme is progressing. What has been the take up and how many places are left to fill if any? What vacancies are left if any and where in the country, do we have to apply to IOSH? As a general question what is the opinion of other forum users, I have noticed that their is a lot of dissatisfaction with the use of recruitment consultants. Has anyone been involved in this scheme or with similar projects. Are such as this likely to lead to a first job in health and safety? Should I consider applying or am likely to be waiting my time? So many questions sorry, just interested! For more information, contact IOSH Shadowing Scheme project manager Carolyn Issitt at Carolyn.issitt@iosh.co.uk or call 0116 257 3233.
Thomas Chambers  
#10 Posted : 15 April 2011 15:17:27(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

Scott Please bare with me as I try to pick my way through your question. The second phase of the pilot is going very well with 40% of the places pledged between now and the October conference allocated. At least three places are left which can be anywhere in the UK but the companies that are most active based in Cambridgeshire and Cornwall? MOre places can be found if the demand is their. To comply with DWP rules participants in the scheme have to go through IOSH, or at least be in contact with the membership department before the placement starts. Like you I would be interested to know what other forum users think of the scheme and ideally to offer constructive criticism! If it helps, I can say that other professional institutions have contacted IOSH with the intention of joining in as the scheme expands. This includes offers of support (encouragement) from trade associations and a least one trade union. Again, I would be interested to hear comment from anyone who has been involved with a similar scheme. Who can say where such a scheme will lead, IOSH believes that it will help newly qualified practioners to gain their first position. As for the final question only you can answer that, the scheme is not for everyone but it may help you to network with other H&S Practitioners! I hope this response helps and it encourages further debate?
#11 Posted : 18 April 2011 13:54:40(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Tom, great idea, i am sure it will be a useful aide for any graduates out there who are pondering their first steps. What is the finanacial situation with regards to payment whilst on the shaddowing scheme, is it the same for every placement regardless of which company they are working with?
#12 Posted : 26 April 2011 11:18:32(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi Thomas The graduate scheme seems to be taking off with great success. It is a pity that the scheme is directed only to graduates and not individuals who are looking for the same chances of employment within health and safety. I have put myself through courses, my own expense, Nebosh NGC and FSC with the hope of securing a future in health and safety. But like so many others am finding it hard to get on the h&s ladder in any format, even though I have work history and experience. It would be good to see the same consideration given to everyone, not just graduates. Just my opinion. Ken
Thomas Chambers  
#13 Posted : 27 April 2011 11:58:11(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

quote=gph]Tom, great idea, I am sure it will be a useful aide for any graduates out there who are pondering their first steps. What is the financial situation with regards to payment whilst on the shadowing scheme, is it the same for every placement regardless of which company they are working with?
Apologies GPH in the delay in responding unfortunately the long bank holiday weekend got in the way. I will try and answer your questions in a structured way great. IOSH has been dealing with the financial side primarily with the DWP in essence successful qualifying candidates will maintain their job seekers allowance and candidates should discuss this further with the membership department who have much more detail available. Each placement is having to be dealt with on a case by case basis as everyones circumstances are different.
Thomas Chambers  
#14 Posted : 27 April 2011 12:04:29(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

quote=Zanneth]Hi Thomas The graduate scheme seems to be taking off with great success. It is a pity that the scheme is directed only to graduates and not individuals who are looking for the same chances of employment within health and safety. I have put myself through courses, my own expense, Nebosh NGC and FSC with the hope of securing a future in health and safety. But like so many others am finding it hard to get on the h&s ladder in any format, even though I have work history and experience. It would be good to see the same consideration given to everyone, not just graduates. Just my opinion. Ken
Ken, Thank you for your positive comments and support for the shadowing scheme, although may I address one inaccuracy. The scheme is not solely targeting graduates but rather those of graduate calibre. This means that it is open to both unemployed IOSH & none IOSH members who require work experience in order to strengthen their chances of securing their first role as a safety practitioner or to assist with IPD as part of their career progression. Obviously places are limited during this extended pilot but we hope to increase the number of opportunities as more companies come on board after the formal launch at the national Food & Drink Health & safety Conference in October. I hope this helps to clarify the scheme? The graduate scheme seems to be taking off with great success. It is a pity that the scheme is directed only to graduates and not individuals who are looking for the same chances of employment within health and safety. I have put myself through courses, my own expense, Nebosh NGC and FSC with the hope of securing a future in health and safety. But like so many others am finding it hard to get on the h&s ladder in any format, even though I have work history and experience. It would be good to see the same consideration given to everyone, not just graduates. Just my opinion. Ken
#15 Posted : 27 April 2011 17:59:51(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Why is industry still churning out graduates who have no work or life experience; whilst those who are or have already worked in industry are unable to find work? I appears to be the same in all sectors & not just the health & safety sector.
Thomas Chambers  
#16 Posted : 27 April 2011 18:53:03(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

RPoulter wrote:
Why is industry still churning out graduates who have no work or life experience; whilst those who are or have already worked in industry are unable to find work? I appears to be the same in all sectors & not just the health & safety sector.
Thanks for your response and although a messed up the previous reply (apologies to all), the IOSH Shadowing Scheme is not only targeting graduates. I am aware of one young man joining the scheme today who is not a graduate. The scheme is intended as a member benefit aimed at giving newly qualified safety practitioners a chance of gaining experience that may lead to their first appointment in the profession. To try and respond to the primary part of your question, In the past the majority of Safety Practitioner training was being provided by the specified or high risk industries. Many Safety Practitioners in manufacturing were unqualified although, with a lot of experience. The better the qualifications that people held the better able they were to secure the available vacancies. Their was never enough to fill the demand and hence the universities saw an opportunity and took it, evidenced by the phenominal growth in IOSH membership. With this in mind HR Managers are naturally trying to secure the best candidates for their respective companies. However, I do not believe that HR Managers necessarily look past the qualifications and in many cases miss the most important qualities, when producing short lists, some of these qualities you have rightly identified, in your posting.
#17 Posted : 27 April 2011 19:12:32(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi Thomas. Thank you for your detailed reply. I'm glad to see some work is being done to help graduates find work. This doesn't negate the fact that is appears very apparent on this site that there are many people on here who hold Iosh qualifications already who are now finding themselves out of work. What is being offered to help them back into work or to further their career path? I like many do not want our career path to end as soon as it has started. I look forward to any help that may be available.
Thomas Chambers  
#18 Posted : 27 April 2011 19:50:39(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

RPoulter wrote:
Hi Thomas. Thank you for your detailed reply. I'm glad to see some work is being done to help graduates find work. This doesn't negate the fact that is appears very apparent on this site that there are many people on here who hold Iosh qualifications already who are now finding themselves out of work. What is being offered to help them back into work or to further their career path? I like many do not want our career path to end as soon as it has started. I look forward to any help that may be available.
IOSH is different from the other H&S Institutions, it does not currently offer company membership so may feel less comfortable (competent) in offering a job search facility?
#19 Posted : 28 April 2011 20:56:24(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi Thomas Do you not think that it would be more productive for IOSH to have a job search facility, in that IOSH members would have a stronger chance of gaining employment if it was seen that they were being forwarded for positions through IOSH. Also employers, within IOSH would have a ready established database from which to choose suitable employees of h&s? Ken
Thomas Chambers  
#20 Posted : 01 May 2011 22:03:22(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Thomas Chambers

Zanneth wrote:
Hi Thomas Do you not think that it would be more productive for IOSH to have a job search facility, in that IOSH members would have a stronger chance of gaining employment if it was seen that they were being forwarded for positions through IOSH. Also employers, within IOSH would have a ready established database from which to choose suitable employees of h&s? Ken
Zanneth, If you are asking if a full job search facility would be more productive than the current shadowing scheme then I have to disagree in that the scheme was set up as a member benefit for those individuals who are finding it difficult to get a start due to their lack of experience. This would not change if IOSH were running a job search facility. The jobs are still likely to go to those candidates with experience in that sector. However, if you are asking if IOSH should run a job search as well then I see no reason why this can not happen, if the will is present!
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