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Well, I sent my C.V. Off to different companies over 2 weeks ago, I have actually got a job interview tomorrow, things are looking up
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Nice one Terry
Hope it goes well
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Good luck for today Terry, make sure you let us know how you got on.
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The interview yesterday went okay, then at the end of the interview they told me the interview is in 3 stages, and they will contact me if I was suceesfull, and then stage 2 is to do a PowerPoint presentation on whatever subject they ask me to do on H & S. Just wait and see now
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Hello Terry,
If you dont mind me asking what Industry was your job interview for?
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Hi Terry, like you say things seem to be looking up. I had two stages to my interview, and was successful and now starting with my new employer this month.
Wishing you the same success.
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HSE123 manufactruring company
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Stay positive and best of luck
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Well I had a phone call today, I have been successful on the 1st interview, so I have the second interview on the 20th Sept,
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terry556 wrote:Well I had a phone call today, I have been successful on the 1st interview, so I have the second interview on the 20th Sept, Got everything crossed for you Terry. Andy
Rank: Forum user
Nice one Terry.
Now the game is afoot you need to formulate the best powerpoint presentation there is, make thje presentation is most enjoyable not boring. It may be prudent to research the company and make the presentation specific to their industy. Also make sure you know the presentation content inside out. Don't forget at the end to ask the interviewers if there are any questions, and above all make sure you can answer the questions too.
You could always produce some nicely bound handouts covering the presentation, stick a company logo onto it etc. It's the quality and content that counts.
Good luck
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I have to do a presentation using the DuPont methodology, on the subject to develop a behavioral safety culture, and reduce liability claims, the do a ZIP audit for 20 min, I will work on this tomorrow, meetings al day today
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Rank: Super forum user
terry556 wrote: do a ZIP audit for 20 min, What is a ZIP Audit?
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New 1 on me too... Pray let us know what a Zip Audit consists of sometime?
I think asking to conduct a presentation is a regular task at interview stages.
Strangely enough I have recently been invited to an interview that also consists of a written test... Not stated if it was physcometric but I don't believe it is at 1st interview stage!
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I do not know what a ZIP audit is either, but I will find out on the day, and let you all know
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ZIP is it Zero Incident Process? I've been involved in Zero Harm and came across this one while looking on the internet.
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Good luck with the second interview.
I have just been informed that I have a second interview on Friday. The interview process takes 4 hours and consists of an interview and a technical assessment. Has anyone come across this before? I am not too sure what to expect for the technical assessment.
Any adivce will be much appreciated.
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Hi Terry, At my last interview (for job I'm now in) I downloaded their logos from their website and put them into my powerpoint - they were so impressed - I did say that I was using them for this only. HSE 123 phone and ask and while asking saying that you want to show your professionalism, make the best impression and make then i nterview relevant to what they are wanting OR you can make a guess on the technical assessment as it's bound to be about what they actually do.
Every little advantage helps and showing an interest in them helps a lot. Lilian
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Hi Terry
Like you and may others I have had to go thorough multiple interviews for jobs in the past including my current role: a first interview with the recruiting agency to explore my background and suitability, a second interview with HR and the operations director then a 'test day ' where I had to carry out an mini audit and present the results ( without any PowerPoint) I also faced a 'technical interview' from the existing person in the role who was being made redundant and who grilled me on a variety of H&S topics, in the presence of another director.
I got the job by being myself, being honest and demonstrating my competence, and not losing my cool when someone less qualified than me asked me pretty basic questions on H&S, and was pretty patronising.
Good luck!!
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Hi Terry I know it is a bit late in the day but just come across your thread....this may help with your presentation on ZIP audit http://www.sentis.net/au/ZIP.aspxgood luck for tommorow!!!
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Good luck for tomorrow Terry
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Thanks for that, 14.30 tomorrow, I will have started my presentation, then I will do my audit,
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All the very best for interview Terry, keep eye to eye contact, think positive then you are on a winner.
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