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Dear all,
Hi All
Looking for some advice or tips really - got an interview for NHS trust Safety position in two weeks time and I have never worked in NHS trust.
Anyone got any ideas or suitable topic headers to look out for?
Kind regards
Rank: Forum user
big topics in the nhs at the moment are Health & Safety (Sharp instruments in healthcare) Regs 2013, COSHH, Manual handling, V & A (inc lone working) and the CQC as opposed to the HSE. It would be worth getting to grips with PDCA as most healthcare organisations work to this.
good luck!!
Rank: Super forum user
I worked as a safety adviser in the NHS about 10yrs ago - get ready for cumbersome/ excessive bureaucracy, trade unions.
Rank: Super forum user
google 'Health Technical Memoranda' and 'NHS Safety Warnings' http://www.england.nhs.u...1/patient-safety-launch/
Is is a general post or with specific responsibility? considerations will include facilities management, contractors, working with medical specialists for infection control, etc etc.
Have you been asked to prepare a scenario response for the interview?
There are HNS regional IOSH groups that are good for knowledge sharing.
Prepare for meetings about meetings. Actions take a while to complete.
I am just leaving, going to semi-retire :)
PM me if you have anything specific to ask.
Good luck
Rank: Forum user
SNS wrote:google 'Health Technical Memoranda' and 'NHS Safety Warnings' http://www.england.nhs.u...1/patient-safety-launch/
Is is a general post or with specific responsibility? considerations will include facilities management, contractors, working with medical specialists for infection control, etc etc.
Have you been asked to prepare a scenario response for the interview?
There are HNS regional IOSH groups that are good for knowledge sharing.
Prepare for meetings about meetings. Actions take a while to complete.
I am just leaving, going to semi-retire :)
PM me if you have anything specific to ask.
Good luck
No, I have not been asked to prepare a scenario response for the interview.
It is a health and safety manager role with specific responsibility .
Rank: Forum user
The main thing is realising health and safety in a hospital is split into 2 you have the clinical side which looks after patients and the non clinical which looks after staff, visitors and others
the main things are slips, trips, falls, sharps injuries note new regulations 2013, biological including cat 3 labs(most big hospitals have one) then there is waste Clinical and non clinical wast, If yours has old buildings asbestos, then manual handling , back care massive issue,violance and aggression, security thats enough to keep you going
Rank: Super forum user
Don't forget the HTMs
Rank: Forum user
SBH wrote:Don't forget the HTMs
Thanks, I will have a look.
Rank: Super forum user
Kojo, get onto the MHRA website and check out safety alerts; there are very specific ones (e.g. aimed at say a particular pediatric ventilator) which you don't need to think about too much right now, but there are also many about safe practice in the use of e.g clinical beds and bed-rails, which will help.
Consider working closely with clinical governance, and what that might mean. There is considerable overlap (on e.g. beds and bed-rails) and you may face questions about how the two functions overlap and what that might mean.
Otherwise I have to parrot everybody else and say don't forget the HTMs. Bear in mind that the four countries each have their own, and although they are similar in some cases others are very different; make sure you check out the right ones!
Rank: Forum user
as well as the normal "hard" safety issues, you need to consider health issues. The biggest must be stress. Also consider MSD, cossh, Gamma radiation, infection control (labs etc), lone working and even violence / personal safety.
Rank: Forum user
Dear all,
Thanks for all your help and information.
I will update you all when I hear from them.
Have wonderful weekend.
Kind regards
Rank: Forum user
Dear all,
I received a call this morning that I was unsuccessful.
The feedback was the other candidates have more soft skills than me.
Kind regards
Rank: Forum user
Dear all,
Thanks for all your help.
I went for first stage interview and I was invited for a second interview because I and another candidate had the same marks.
I was turned down after the second interview and the feedback was my fire safety experience was not strong.
Frustration has set in!
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