Rank: Forum user
Hi been doing a web crawl looking at prospects down in Australia but not finding much that's very current does anyone have any info on the jobs market for us lot down there?
Having an exceptionally un-enjoyable experience in Saudi right now but still want to spread the wings if possible.
Worked down there as an engineer as a youth but now older and hopefully wiser
Rank: Forum user
The job situation in oz is subdued and has been for the last 12 months. Lots of qualified safety chaps coming off the mines looking for any job to keep their heads above water so the competition is fierce for jobs that do come up. Salaries are also repressed from the glory days of 300K AUD a year. I have ozzie mates who have been unemployed for over a year now
Having worked over there before coming back to the sandpit, without an ozzie OSH qualification such as a BSB51307 equivalent to an NVQ5 then you would be hard pushed to stand out in the crowd. Also chance of a temp work visa will get progressively more difficult due to the number of PR ozzies currently unemployed who are looking for work but there is always the odd chance that you have a required sub skill set.
The unified WHS act for most states has made life easier than the old days of multiple codes so if you can get in somewhere then it may open doors.
Probably best to make the most of the magic kingdom for the time being but good luck either way.
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