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#1 Posted : 07 July 2016 15:38:06(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

If anyone is setting up as a trainer, I have a latest revision Managing Safely training package for sale. It has only been used once due to illness, and I have decided to leave the world of health and safety training for good. If you are interested, the kit will cost half the price of a new one. Best regards Graham Findlay CMIOSH
#2 Posted : 09 July 2016 07:50:32(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Graham i sent you Pm
#3 Posted : 09 July 2016 19:17:02(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I thought that the new course was run via the internet? Yes the course materials are printed but the slides etc are run via the web? Also you need to be licenced and accredited/registered with IOSH - not saying that you are not SHV of course but I think you should be aware of this. Stuart
#4 Posted : 11 July 2016 09:29:13(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Stuie A little while ago you noted that the Manageging safely course was going to have the Environmental part cut. Has this happened and is there a cut off date, where all trainers need to comply with the new format? Is the new format still cartoon based ? I hope to have another and last battle of wills with the directors next week. Chris
#5 Posted : 11 July 2016 12:10:30(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hi Chris, No this has not happened yet (as far as I am aware). Not sure on dates either to be honest; there is usually a 'run out' period when you are permitted to use any materials that you may have pre-ordered so I would not let this stop you from buying materials - just dont buy 4 years worth :-) HTH Stu
#6 Posted : 11 July 2016 12:31:48(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Thanks No they don't want me to run the course ( I offered) or them to do the course at all, as it takes them away from work for 4 days ! I was going to suggest an online IOSH Managing Safely Course so they can do it when they have any free time. The MD doesn't think it necessary, despite the HSE pointing it our 5/6 years ago before my time. Despite me pointing out the amount of time that will be lost due to an incident. So one last go at taking away some of his problem with time. But I know when it is time to stop flogging the dead horse! And go and do something I can make a difference with. Thanks Chris
#7 Posted : 27 July 2016 14:08:48(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

chris42, See if your MD wants to attend a Leading Safely course instead, its only 1 day and may change his whole perspective on what his roles and responsibilities are. If its any consolation, you are not alone with the problems you are experiencing! Regards Nige
#8 Posted : 27 July 2016 14:55:38(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Thanks Nige Sadly I suspect that. He has been on a Directing safely course in the past apparently. Sadly what comes out of some peoples mouths and into other peoples brains is not necessarily the same. So he seems to have a twisted old fashioned view of H&S. My advice is in writing for what good that is (so was the HSE's -but no follow up it seems). That particular horse is well and truly dead and turned into glue. He let me say my piece and stared at his mobile phone the whole time, everyone else sat in silence. All I can do is pray for a HSE visit (not due to an accident please) and they pick it up again. Unless I can think of some other selling point /benefit. I have been wondering about planting a seed in the heads of the managers. So they decide they need some sort of training in H&S. At the moment I think they believe that if they have had no training they can not be held responsible (company has not provided the means to do their job properly). Ho hum Chris
#9 Posted : 27 July 2016 15:15:03(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

It all sounds very similar to what I am experiencing, do what you need to do. I make sure I Bcc all the emails I send to the MD and Managers to my own email account. Its a a sad state when you need to cover your backside like this, but needs must sometimes. I am lucky as I have a 'Board' who I can lean on to make things happen (fingers crossed) Good luck, but remember the grass may not be any greener elsewhere... Nige
#10 Posted : 27 July 2016 15:59:52(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Whatever the colour of grass it may be better than the mud I'm presently in (at least I hope its just mud!) :0) Just at the moment it suits my purpose to stay where I am. I think despite a few closed doors on certain subjects, I can still make a difference in other areas. That way if I do move on the next person has less of a hill to climb. You never know the next person (which would be 5 in seven years) may get listened to. The main problem seems to be time opposed to money. Resources are cut to the bone, so no spare time for niceties like training. Of course he could be run over by the proverbial red bus tomorrow! 9 by this I mean life and circumstances change. Sometimes though it does not help that training courses are padded to make them seem value for money.
#11 Posted : 28 July 2016 08:38:26(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I concur Chris, I went through the Managing Safely course yesterday to re- familiarise myself with it ready for some upcoming courses and this course could easily be cut by a day. Having had 5 safety managers in 7 years tells its own story.
#12 Posted : 29 July 2016 19:18:23(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Hi Chris, take a look at this short video. No mention of dropping the Enviro module. Maybe i dreamt that bit? Stu
David Thomas  
#13 Posted : 29 July 2016 22:25:25(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
David Thomas

Some CEOs never learn very sadly.... Make sure you save all your e mails (and this e mail trail) etc. , you never know, you may be an excellent witness for the prosecution ..
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