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Dear All, I am working for a Paper and packaging manufacturing company, I have worked in Construction Industry for over 8 years, but I am completely new to the manufacturing industry.
I am currently working from home (dont know how long) therefore, I am looking for online training courses (HSE) that will help me develop my knowledge in this industry and add it to my Development Plan? If anyone has any suggestions would be a great help. Thanks.
Rank: New forum user
Hi Nivedita, I'm not sure of any specific manufacturing online training material but if you search 'Manufacturing' in HSE website it will come up with good reading material including stataistics which will point you in the right direction to key issues faced in manufacturing. All can go towards CPD. Regards
Rank: Super forum user
Take advantage of the NCRQ free online 'Safety for Managers' offer. It contains a number of case studies, a couple of which are manufacturing related (well there's a workshop, and overhead crane and a fork lift!) but the main reason to do the course is it will give you ideas on whether you can recommend it for your new colleague managers, because it does NOT use construction as it's reference point.
The HSE website, as said, has a massive range of relevant material, including specific to paper mills etc. You might never have the time again to explore in depth. Don't try to become the expert, just be aware of what you can come back to if need be.
You might find good guidance on principles on specialist machine guarding websites too. Oh and my favourite learning tool - Youtube. Plenty on there on paper mills, manufacturing processes etc.
 1 user thanked aud for this useful post.
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Hi gsdrivertraining, I looking for e-learning training related to Health & Safety.
Rank: New forum user
Hi Does anyone know of iosh do any free training for mbrs?
Rank: New forum user
Hi Nivedita,
There are many online training you can take advantage of to help you gain knowledge in the manufacturing industry. First you need to identify the area or HSE course you want, example could be COSHH assessment, machine guard and protection, fire safety, manual handling etc. HSE is broad, so narrowing down the course focus will help you and your search on google. Alot will show up when you search online. Hopes this helps
 1 user thanked Pikin for this useful post.
Rank: Forum user
Originally Posted by: paul6615  Hi Does anyone know of iosh do any free training for mbrs? Hi Paul, Most branches have programmes of events and currently that means much of the content is online. Specialist groups also have material too. Whilst this doesn't require any further financial outlay it isn't free. That's what you paid for in your annual subscription. The certified courses are an income source for IOSH Services Ltd and as such do generally attract a further cost, even to members although sometimes at a reduced rate.
Rank: Forum user
What i find really helps in manufacturing is good knowledge in PUWER. I attended a UCPD on european machine safety requirements which put in a good road because i underatand mechanical and electrical standards and the proper safety requirements a production line needs. So my advice is to focus on PUWER and possibly read the guidance on warehouse environments as many manufacturers will also have a warehouse too (depending on scale of manufacture and product). Also in manufacturing a keen understanding of lean manufacture will come in handy; many will employ schemes like 5s and lean six sigma and showing understanding of lean methodologies will often fit into the larger company picture.
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