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Rose Herridge  
#1 Posted : 22 November 2023 10:39:06(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
Rose Herridge

Good Morning.

This  may seem an obvious question to answer but im having a mental block today - 

I am in the process of reviewing our sub contracting services on site - is there a requirement for security / fire service company's to hold accreditation certification to industry organisations ?

can an electrical installation company maintain and service a fire alarm system for example -

thank you in advance -

#2 Posted : 22 November 2023 10:58:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Like the ISO certification accreditations have little impact for the person who turns up in a van to do the work.

An FM company maintain our fire alarm & emergency lighting without being members of the type of trades clubs you mention.

thanks 4 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Rose Herridge on 22/11/2023(UTC), peter gotch on 22/11/2023(UTC), Rose Herridge on 22/11/2023(UTC), peter gotch on 22/11/2023(UTC)
#3 Posted : 22 November 2023 10:58:35(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Like the ISO certification accreditations have little impact for the person who turns up in a van to do the work.

An FM company maintain our fire alarm & emergency lighting without being members of the type of trades clubs you mention.

thanks 4 users thanked Roundtuit for this useful post.
Rose Herridge on 22/11/2023(UTC), peter gotch on 22/11/2023(UTC), Rose Herridge on 22/11/2023(UTC), peter gotch on 22/11/2023(UTC)
#4 Posted : 22 November 2023 11:20:22(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Unlike, for example, Gas Safe, I can’t think of a l law stating that the type of contractors you mention must be accredited anywhere in particular. But…

 …being able to show you’ve done ‘due diligence’ in selecting reputable contractors can be needed if there are accidents, insurance claims or whatnot. How much effort you put in is a risk-based decision. For example we don’t worry too much about the contract cleaner for the loos but when engaging someone to run an event involving tandem freefall parachute jumping we are VERY thorough with accreditations, etc.

Your own insurers may have an opinion on this too.

As for electricians doing alarms – I’ve always found the some do, some don’t, and some sub-contract it. But there’s nothing to say they can’t.

thanks 1 user thanked DH1962 for this useful post.
Rose Herridge on 22/11/2023(UTC)
#5 Posted : 22 November 2023 11:35:46(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

BS9251 for sprinkker systems (various parts) and BS7671 18th edition Wiring regulations are the current (pardon the intended pun) for the working on fire alarms etc. and sprinklers.

As long as your contractor can show they will be adhering to these and can show evidence of training and certification they should be ok.

thanks 1 user thanked firesafety101 for this useful post.
Rose Herridge on 22/11/2023(UTC)
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