Rank: New forum user
Has anyone found any reliable uk statistics on this? The most of the information I have found thus far is from america, where treatment methods differ. The uk uses Ozone and chlorine together as a basis in my experience.
Many thanks in advance.
Rank: Super forum user
Hi Ray Whilst I have never really dealt with swimming pools, I doubt that you fill find statistics for this particular disorder in the UK, let alone anything remotely like "reliable" statistics. Might be a tiny number of cases of asthma reported under RIDDOR 2013, but you can assume that any numbers would be heavily underreported and this would only be one potential adverse occupational health outcome of working in a leisure centre. Might also be something in the "THOR" statistics which are collected from GPs and others. Statistics - Data Sources Not surprised that most of the information you are finding comes from the US which is much worse than Europe in terms of workplace accident outcomes but tends to lead the UK when it comes to occupational health risks at least in terms of setting some standards and leaving the door open to litigation. Did find this from Europe which might help. Exposure to trichloramine and respiratory symptoms in indoor swimming pool workers | European Respiratory Society
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