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#1 Posted : 12 October 2000 10:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tim Corbett Where do I find infomation on training in NVQ. I would like to do this and live in the Shrewsbury area in Shropshire. I would probably have to fund it myself, so is there any grants to help pay towards costs. If anyone has infomation on any part of this many thanks Tym
#2 Posted : 12 October 2000 13:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Craythorne Tim, There are a number of organisations who offer tutorship for the NVQ levels 3&4 in Occ. Health & Safety. However, it is not cheap and I am not aware of any possible grants for this. You should expect to pay between about £1200 - £2500 for level 4 depending who you use and you should try to establish their success rates before signing up. Some organisations require you to have contact meetings at their premises on a regular basis whilst others will visit your site. I would imagine those that visit are the most expensive. Listed below are some names and contact numbers of NVQ providers- The Management Centre - 0800 731 7594 BCS College - 0115 927 4921 Oakwood Development Centre - 01487 824624 In addition, contact the IOSH training Department on 0116 257 3100. They will be able to advise on other providers (possibly in your area). Hope this is of use to you. Regards, Paul Craythorne
#3 Posted : 12 October 2000 17:04:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Michael C Barltrop Dear Tim As Paul has advised Oakwood as an OCR centre do indeed provide assessment in Occupation Health & Safety Levels 3&4 on a national basis. We are however a provider at the more exspensive end of the market as we believe that the NVQ process is an assessment of the individual in their own working environment were guidence, one to one coaching and finally assessment can be given best. I am happy to talk about the process and the different methods adopted without the sales pitch (promise). The full lists of approved centres can be obtained via: City & Guilds(no number) and OCR(Tel 01203 470033) the only two awarding bodies for these awards. Hope it helps Michael Oakwood
#4 Posted : 13 October 2000 09:05:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tim Corbett Thank you for the replies. I will look into this as I see it as the only way forward for myself. I still would like to hear of any grants that might be used to surport this course so if anyone has any more infomation please contact. Many thanks Tim Corbett Shrewsbury UK
#5 Posted : 13 October 2000 13:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tim Davies Re grants A couple of areas may be worth looking at. Try the main high street banks or Employment Service for a CDL Career Development Loan or try: www.lifelonglearning.co.uk/sftl/form01/htm for a small firm training loan. I have just got one for a similar reason and will be using the CDL next year for something else! Be safe Tim Davies
#6 Posted : 18 October 2000 12:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Terry Shotton Dear Tim, We are an NVQ Centre for the Occupational Health and Safety Practitioners NVQ level 3 and 4 and Occupational Health & Safety Regulation level 4. We are based in Stone, Staffordshire. Please contact us for further information. Yours sincerely, Terry Shotton
#7 Posted : 19 October 2000 16:20:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Nigel Woods Hi Tim, The Department of Education and Employment have a scheme called "Individual Leaning Accounts" which can give discounts on many kinds of leaning, it may not be a lot but might be helpful. Ring Individual Leaning Account Centre on 0800 072 5678.
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