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#1 Posted : 30 March 2004 12:05:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alec Wood
Given the pending changes to IOSH's entrance rules, is it really worthwhile enrolling in a Diploma course now, or would one be better waiting until the issues are settled?

If so, can anyone point me in the direction of somewhere I can do the course in NE England. The institution quoted on this site seem to know almost nothing about it, other than the address to which I should send my cheque, able to suggest only "look around the website, you might be able to find something"
#2 Posted : 30 March 2004 13:04:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Bryan Weatherill
Alec - have contacted you by email
#3 Posted : 30 March 2004 13:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Adams
Nottingham Trent Diploma at South Tyneside College, Hebburn currently meets the academic requirements for MIOSH.
Phone 0191 4273622. It was okay for me. Sunderland University also do NEBOSH dip 1 & 2. Costs more and takes longer, although I dare say it may be more in depth (and alot harder to pass if you go by postings on this forum).
#4 Posted : 30 March 2004 15:10:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Smurfer

Middlesbrough College do Part 1 & 2. You need to speak to David Branson on 01642 296600. They're relatively cheap as well.
#5 Posted : 31 March 2004 08:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert K Lewis
Re the first part of your posting - There are no impending changes that would make the undertaking of the currently available diplomas superfluous. The changes are concerned with the membership structuring and the progression through to Corporate membership. For all entrants the need for 2 years professional development as either IPD or CPD will be essential for a period of 2 years, currently, before there can be an application for professional interview. This means that whatever course you intend to follow you need to register on the CPD programme at some point before you can progress.

Good luck in locating a suitable course!

#6 Posted : 31 March 2004 15:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By chris oliver
Nottingham Trent for me Alec. much more flexable and lower suicide rates.
#7 Posted : 31 March 2004 15:31:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Keith Egerton
I have done my Dip 2 via the Open University to get an equivalent level of qualification for MIOSH level membership.

In my view the split from the old diploma a few years back was a big mistake by IOSH. I think it was done just to generate extra income by forcing students to pay many £000's for Pt 1 Dip then pay again for Pt2.

As many jobs now want H&S and Environmental skills/qualifications combined, the IOSH Dip route does not give this - another environmental course being required - anothe r few £000, please.

I estimated doing the courses separate was going to cost maybe £5000, Open University has cost me about £2500 over the past 3years.

If you have the ready cash/free time, it doesn't have to take 3yrs - you could do it in 1yr.

Open University is not any easy option, with time/study/family commitments etc. You still have to attend lectures at (usually) your local university, submit assignments - usually at least 3 per unit with a 3hr exam at the end. The OU course covers both health and safety and envionmental topics.

Its good fun with a home chemistry kit, taking river water sample on a local 'field trip' if you take one of the courses I did, to make an assessment of water quality.

If you look at the OU route you need to take the course called 'Environmental Decision Making'. The details are in the membership information section and/or the OU website.
#8 Posted : 31 March 2004 15:49:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alec Wood
I looked at Nottingham Trent and it seemed to me like my best option. Unfortunately South Tyneside are the guys I mention in my original post - the only info they could give me on the course was where to send my cheque! I'll try them again later on this week.

It is very difficult to know which way to turn. Wages in this part of the world are very poor and my upcoming redundancy gives me a wad of cash to invest in my future - wisely I hope. I don't want to self-fund my way through the wrong course obviously.

NEBOSH is the known about standard, but is it really worth those extra £000's. Will I be able to convince an employer that NTU's diploma is an equivalent, or will I even be given the chance to? There's also the question of quality, what's the difference in knowledge gained between the two? I guess that these are all the same questions that potential NVQ students are asking themselves too.

Anyway, thanks all for your assistance, and for giving me a bit more to think about.

My head hurts.... :-(
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