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Posted By Robert Kingston The Role. To manage a team of local safety advisors in all aspects of Health, Safety & Environment. To support an Expat supervisory & management team, using local tradesmen & labour. Working to UK HSE standards for a very demanding client, you will ensure safe systems of work are established and more-over, complied with. WE DO NOT “fly by the seats of our pants”; we adopt a proactive approach to HSE. You will be roughly 50% office based and 50% in the field “making it happen” with good old fashion hands-on policing. You will be expected to conduct internal audits to ensure our management system is being adhered to. You will attend daily internal production meetings and weekly clinet meetings. You would also be expected to deliver basic HSE training packages. The Work. Oilfield related to upgrade existing oil processing facilities and to construct a new 25km. oil pipeline. Normal everyday civil’s (trenching, road crossings, working at height, cranes, material movements etc) work. Qualifications. Now there’s a thing. How did I get my first International role in HSE, when everyone wants someone with XX amount of International experience? Someone gave me a chance, and I took it. Ideally you will have umpteen years International experience. But if you have good civil’s experience in the UK and want to role up your sleeves and “get stuck in”, I will give you that chance. I would expect that you have your NEBOSH General Certificate and at least Tech SP. The Company. The company has been established in West Africa for over 15 years. We are a UK based oilfield support company working in several parts of West Africa The Location. Gabon West Africa. The Package. As the HSE Manager for the project, you will report to the company HSE Manager. Accommodation, (Camp status) food, laundry etc is provided by the company. Rotation is 8 weeks on, 4 weeks off, return to point of origin. The financial rewards will be typical of oilfield scales and will not be a restricting factor. CV’s should be sent to Robert at š robert.hartland@internetgabon.com this is an additional role that is been created with-in our company, but time is of the essence. You would be expected to take up the position by mid December. Please feel free to e-mail for any additional information.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Robert Kingston Many thanks to all of those that have responded, I will revert back to you in due course. I have been overwhelmed by the standard of and quality of respondees.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Craig Birse-Archbold Dear Sir, I wondered if the above position is still open. If so please email me, as I might be interested. I can email my CV to you. Many thanks Craig Birse-Archbold 0771 7762251 craigbirse-archbold@mackenzieuk.com
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