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#1 Posted : 08 August 2005 17:40:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Joanne
My partner has been offered a job in the Pale (Dublin that is) and I obviously I will have toconsider moving there too so was wondering what websites are best for recruitment in ireland? Would my NEBOSH qualifications be recognised? And would I be skills deficient i.e. is there are significant differences in the H&S law over there? Advice would be greatly received...
#2 Posted : 08 August 2005 20:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Edel

Hi Joanne,

look at the following: Irishjobs.ie, Papers such as The Irish Independent, The Irish Times, NISO etc. You should have no problem finding employment in Dublin provided you have at least 2 years experience. (Legislation in the UK is from 1974 (Ireland, its 1996), ye are more developed with regard health and safety law)
#3 Posted : 09 August 2005 01:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Margaret Stokes

Lots of HSE vacancies in Dublin area particularly in the construction area, take a look at http://www.niso.ie/recruitment/orgsagens/index.htm

and also search under http://www.irishjobs.ie.

H & S legislation is basically similar originating withe 1955 Factories Act, probably the most significant legislation of recent vintage is the 1989 Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act which you can take a look at on the HSA website at http://www.hsa.ie/publis...nID=104&pID=162&nID=311.

A new revision of this Act has just being passed - Safety Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 and is due to commence in about 4 weeks - you can view it at: http://www.hsa.ie/publis...1nID=93&nID=96&aID=1291.

Most H & S regulation for the past 10/15 years emanates from EU directives so is basically similar to the UK with a few small exceptions.

Good luck with your job search

#4 Posted : 06 October 2005 16:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Juliet Fennell
Hi Joanne,
Monsterjobs.ie is also a good site. In terms of familiarising yourself with irish legislation check out the free publications on the HSA website (adress in comments received) they have a guide to the general application regs which is downloadable for free (these are similar to the 6 pack) but also contain info on the original act. The new 2005 act now published has guidelines too. Cost €20 from HSA.
If your really enthuastic you can look through irish legislation on www.irishstatutebook.ie.
Uk legislation isnt that different from here and the principals are the same.
Best of luck, juliet
#5 Posted : 07 October 2005 12:38:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Liam Mc Conalogue
Hi Joanne,

You could also check out constructionjobs.ie and click health and safety- there are quite a few to go through.

I would advise though, not to venture too far north of Dublin/The Pale as the job opps are pretty minimal outside of this area, I moved to Donegal a few months back and I have found it difficult to get a break and that's with 8/9 exp.

The Best of Irish to you Joanne on your quest!

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