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#81 Posted : 08 March 2006 11:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By IOSH Web Manager
Good morning,

The thread has now gone beyond the level of general debate and is unhelpful in that many of the queries are misinformed or should be referred to membership staff for help rather than using the forum. As a result, we are locking this thread.

Several of the comments and issues here can be clarified by going to www.iosh.co.uk/corecompetent and reading the FAQs and the membership structure information there.

If you have queries about your personal situation, please contact membership@iosh.co.uk or phone the department 0116 2573198

For those of you who have strong views about the changes, then I invite you to write directly to the President, sending your email to me using the link above and I will see that it is forwarded to him.

Best regards

Angela Wheatcroft
#82 Posted : 08 March 2006 11:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham
We have been here before on more than one occasion

Usually with the same arguments, I recon that 99% of the contributors are TechIOSH/GradIOSH or non members looking to join to reap the benefits of becoming CMIOSH.

It is clear that those of us who have been in the game for a long time will have to continue with Further Education and become GradIOSH Members and join at the same level as our Colleagues who are fresh from the classroom with no experience. Entering into the IPD will soon thrash out those who can pass exams by remembering things, IPD on paper requires some practical knowledge of the subject. (sorry if that causes on offence)

We have to remember that when applying for job's or promotion or salary increases or tendering for work that in every case you have to sell yourself in most cases what you have to offer speaks for itself.

Most who are looking to employ H&S support are not likely to be aware of what the qualification aspect of you resume entails exactly, therefore they will be more in touch with what you have achieved within the field, if you value yourself you will be able to sell yourself on your own merits regardless of what letters you have after your name.

Regardless of what level of membership you have your still a member, so word your case accordingly.

For the few of those contributing declaring that the system is fair, I think the general theme of the thread speaks for itself. Letters are no more than decoration, there is nothing wrong with taking pride in what you have achieved but at the end of the day they are just letters, you would still be as capable as doing your job with out them and that is the point that is being made in this thread.....

Although IOSH if you go for the mature route thing any time soon lower the age limit to 29 please



#83 Posted : 08 March 2006 12:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
I think this thread is a actively monitored by IOSH. What remains is their response and advice to this thread.
#84 Posted : 08 March 2006 12:18:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By IOSH Web Manager
Good afternoon,

The thread has now gone beyond the level of general debate and is unhelpful in that many of the queries should be referred to membership staff for help rather than using the forums. As a result, we are locking the thread.

Several of the comments and issues here can be clarified by going to www.iosh.co.uk/corecompetent and reading the FAQs and the membership structure information there.

If you have queries about your personal situation, please contact membership@iosh.co.uk or phone the department 0116 2573198

For those of you who have strong views about the changes, then I invite you to write directly to the President, sending your email to me from the link above and I will see that it is forwarded to him.

Best regards,

Angela Wheatcroft, Web Manager
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