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Posted By LauraH I am thinking of moving to Cyprus with my family in the next 18 months/2 years and would appreciate any information with regard to seeking work in the field of H&S. I am currently half way through my Diploma level 4. If anybody knows anyone that may have moved abroad or can suggest any contacts or organisations that I could get in touch with I would very much appreciat it.
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Posted By TBC Laura I've been to Cyprus several times and haven't seen any evidence to suggest a career in H&S would work out there. I may be wrong!
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Posted By LauraH Thanks for your reply. I just don't want to feel like my qualification has been wasted after numerous hours of study only to find that I can't use it to my advantage in Cyprus which would seem such a waste.
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Posted By gham try a tour operator, they usually have a Safety rep in most destinations to make sure that the hotels they use keep their high standards
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Posted By LauraH Thanks for your reply, this is just the sort of employment I would be interested in, I will start contacting some of the tour operators to pick their brains.
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Posted By Ned Kelly Hi Laura,
The British Military have bases in Cyprus, namely Akrotiri, Episkopi and Dhekelia, there are also smaller sites like Troodos and Ayios Nikoliaus (not sure about the spelling).
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Posted By DE Brown Laura Health and Safety is active in Cyprus, the web site for contact is www.cysha.org.cyRegards Ed
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Posted By TBC Nice one Ed.
Laura - I may have to eat my words eventually. You are very lucky to be in at what might be (still) the early days of H&S in Cyprus. I am now becoming very jealous - all that lovely weather. How's your Greek - another challenge ?
Good Luck
Rank: Guest
Posted By Tony Brunskill Laura,
As a "Safety Practitioner" and having lived in Cyprus for a couple of years I feel I am well qualified to offer the advice sod the safety and enjoy the beach, Brandy Sours and Mezes. Beware the waist line.
Cynic....Wh is after Lauras job in the UK?
Rank: Guest
Posted By LauraH Tony
Although the beach etc sounds fantastic and I really wish that was all I was going to Cyprus for, unfortunately I am going to have to work! Can you give me any info regarding salary scales over in Cyprus and what it was like working there, is it much the same as England?
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