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Posted By david blair Sounds like the perfect job vacancy for me and thousands of others- so where are they all then ? Just completed Nebosh cert, 5 years exp Health and safety rep, Want to work towards Nebosh diploma and every other qualification i can possibly do but need more of the main ingredient ie EXPERIENCE ! Why is there no one willing to give the enthusiastic, motivated, career minded youth of the future the chance to do work in something they have chosen to do or proffesionally speaking " Are we all flogging a dead horse " Advice or Help please from all those who are there and where me and thousands are longing to be.
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Posted By bryn hi david I know what your saying mate it is hard to get in any where you need experience to get a job but where do you get the experience from if you can't get a job in the first place so you ain't on your own mate
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Posted By Paul Moran Hello All, I recently attended two interviews for the above type posts, The employer had seen my C.V before attending so there must have been some kind of interest.But whilst going through the interviews it was obvious the amount of experience they wanted was impossible for somebody who is 26YO or even 30YO to have achieved, That is just my feeling and I also accept that I didnt get the job's for other reasons. Eventually my point!! I have trawled through endless amounts of internet sites,agency etc. Iam not going to give up hope, Iam prepared to finance the extra qualifications I am going to need. And I accept you dont get anything for nothing, But as the previous threads say where are we going to get a break?? We have had debates on this board before about Diploma failure rates, Surely the best way to start the diploma is with X amount of experience???? What qualification do we need to get the first gig???? I Have my C.V available if anybody would be interested in looking at it, maybe give me some useful hints on how to improve upon, Or even offer me a JOB!!!
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Posted By stevie potts Well said lads,i couldn't agree more.What i have noticed is that the Assistant vavancies i see are all for the South of the country ie London and the like.Not many companies are doing what you would call the sensible thing,and taking on young,eager,individuals who have chosen this profesion and training them to become better H&S advisors,which would benefit both parties.If someone shows faith in you at the start of your career,you reward them with hard work and 'loyalty'.Lets keep our fingers crossed.Good luck.
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Posted By Ian Mitchell Hi folks, NEVER give up trying!! I used to work in a stale, unrewarding job for ten years and kept persevering as deputy Safety rep, then area safety rep, etc etc. Then I did any course I could blag, culminating in release for my NEBOSH Certificate. I worked like a Trojan and got a distinction and then just kept applying until perseverance paid off. I am now the Safety Advisor for a small construction company and even on the most trying day I wouldn't swap back for the world. PS I am only 29 so it can be done!!
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Posted By Ian Mitchell QUOTE: culminating in release for my NEBOSH Certificate Just to clarify, the 'culmination' only applied to that position. Now the fun REALLY starts!!
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Posted By colin I'd just like to throw my pennies worth in,
I applied for my first role as SHEQ advisor recently, I changed career from trades foreman after an injury, self funded the gen cert and went for my first interview in 20 years.
Although I attended the interview, I didn't get the job beacause of "lack of H+S experience", however, I got a pleasant shock when the construction company phoned me 2 weeks later to offer me 2 days a week for 2 months to get "experience" working under the supervision of their sheq manager. 3 weeks in, I'm happy to report that the offer was fantastic and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
I'm attending sites, training sessions and management meetings every day I'm there, I'm actively encouraged to participate in anything thats happening around me.
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Posted By Anita Bathgate SNAP!! couldn't get any closer myself. I have lost track at the amount of time I have spent searching for these vacancy's. Just recently attended our AGM(Bristol and West) Branch where they acknowledged our plight and admitted that some attention is needed. Well, I will be watching very closely. I am presently trying to run 2 CPD's (one for my current post within the NHS and the other for H+S; it is damned hard work!)I am currently losing the will to live..!! However, the only advice I can give is that 'those who have the experience must have gained it somehow, so just keep persevering and take every opportunity'(even if it is just the 'odd report!')
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Posted By Robert Paterson Hi to all
Two years ago I started a thread in respect of IOSH looking at the possibility of starting a work experience Register. There was intially good interest but because of the recent changes to the IOSH structure the idea seems to be disappearing. George Wedgewood is currently trying to keep the idea alive but if no other branch , group or individual members are interested then the idea may well die.
I firmly believe that IOSH as the premeir institution in the world of health and safety should be able to offer new practitioners some hope of getting ahead in the industry. Maybe the president of IOSH could pick up the baton and push forward with this idea to help budding professionals.
My advice to all is to stick with the long haul of trying to get a start into health and safety and hang on to the hope that the people at the Grange may be in a position to help fairly soon.
Kind Regards
Robert Paterson
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Posted By Lynne Ratcliffe Try it with all of the above being female, almost 50 and with a disability - should i chuck my hat in now?
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Posted By Anita Bathgate Thank-you for your response Robert and I will definately be taking this idea to my next branch meeting. Maybe the rest of you should do the same?!!
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