Rank: Guest
Posted By rks
Whilst recently talking to a colleague at the recent h&s expo we were talking about our career prospects and got thinking about starting our own consultancys in the future. But whilst on this point i argued that the market is getting saturated and that whilst finding clients will be difficult getting a good price will be even harder. does anybody have an opinion on this subject?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Charley Farley-Trelawney
For what it is worth, I completely disagree with your thoughts. Should you REALLY want to start an H&S consultancy you will need a proactive approach to it, positive thinking, and the determination to succeed; pretty much the same for any new venture?
Saturation point for qualified professional Health & Safety consultancies?. Absolutely no chance!
Good luck with your venture when you decide to go down that route.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Gary IMD(UK)
I too have to agree with CFT! And whilst it may be perceived that there are 'too many' on the market, it is my belief that there are not enough 'outstanding' consultants.
The rewards can be great working for yourself and a lot is certainly down to positive thinking, putting in the hours, etc. I try not to dwell on the negatives but as you can imagine, there are a few (such as no paid holidays)!
The hardest part? Probably convincing a prospective client that they really do need you. The easiest? Once you have a 'foot in the door', getting repeat business... but only if you are good enough!
Take care!
Rank: Guest
Posted By rks
Thanks guys,
Obviously I stand to be corrected and will have to eat humble pie. But i am based in the north west and a business listings directory arrived the other day and there were a few full pages listing h&s consultants. Surely there can't be that much work out there?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Charley Farley-Trelawney
No need to 'eat umble pie' at all. Thats what this forum is all about, encouraging people to come forward with thoughts or questions/answers. Who is to say I am right? I have only responded to your question because I have a view on the matter.
The additional answer was also well thought out and makes valid points, as to plenty of H&S consultants advertising, if there were a way of ensuring that consultants HAD to have minimum credentials then I suspect quite a few may vanish forever. I cam across a 'consultant' just the other day charging no less than £50 per hour and was very busy, they were holders of the IOSH MS certificate, now in itself that is a fine qualification, limited by the responsibilty that you have and in most cases it is probably fine, but to consult with!! No chance, and PI insurance would be most difficult to arrange which is why the person I refer to HAD NONE! Makes you shiver to think about it!
Rank: Guest
Posted By rks
Too true there should be minimum level required to be a consultant- but lets not get into that debate again- I don't know how someone could possibly give advice without PI insurance, if i was a consultant I wouldn't open my mouth without it. But the £50 p/h sounds tempting!
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