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Posted By Jeff At the moment i am working with the military, i have decided when i leave i would like to go into the field of health and safety. I understand the first course i have to complete is NEBOSH, has anybody got any other ideas of courses to do.
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Posted By naomi Hi Jeff When I started out in H&S 10years ago (tme goes quick when having fun) I started with the IOSH Managing Safely course. Firstly to see if it was what I really wanted to do as the course was over 5 days.(big mistake to make if you pay out alot of money for a NEBOSH and you realise it's not for you) Then I went on to do the NEBOSH General Cert and then branched off to do individual courses i.e Manual Handling Instructers course,Risk Management etc.. Decided I wanted to teach H&S in further education so took teaching courses. Three years down the line don't want to teach in schools anymore!!!, so I have started my NVQ 4 in Occ H&S and a new job to go with it. Good luck Jeff in your chosen field of work.
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Posted By Chris Peters Jeff, can you not apply for SHE courses through the military before you leave. There are lots available that lead to civilian qualifications.
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Posted By Jeff Chris, I have heard of various courses that the RAF are hosting, there are about 14, but which one to go for ?? I can take the NEBOSH as it only will cost me £80. What do you think??
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Posted By Chris Peters Jeff, are you talking about the Environmental Protection courses held at Halton? If you are, there are 10 - I have completed them all. If you require details i will pass them on - however, course details are contained in DCIs (DIIN). Are you doing your Gen Cert as resettlement? What Corps are you?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Neville Jeff,
I was in a similar position to yourself, coming from the RAF in my case, having completed my last two years in a H&S and QM role.
During that last two years, I managed to complete three IOSH courses, run by Halton: Managing Safely, Risk Assessor & Man.Han. Inst.Techniques. In addition to these, I did a short Uni course at Edgbaston Birmingham (1 week) called, Health, safety and the Environment.
My resettlement course was the NEBOSH Cert, completed at Woodward SHE Carlisle (held in a hotel over 3 weeks) at no cost to myself. I can thoroughly recommend Woodward as a training provider as it was a very good course.
In hindsight though, I would have been better doing the NEBOSH part 1 Dip with Woodward, on a sandwich course, as it would have been more advantageous and not that much extra,(expense wise). The instructors reckoned (afterwards) that it was not that more difficult than the Cert, if you are a decent writer!
Depending on where you live and what employment you are currently in, I would go for the higher qualifications. It is a very competative market out here and jobs are not that easily gained in the field of H&S with just IOSH short courses and a NEBOSH Cert.
You cannot get enough hindsight but read all the comments in this career forum and make your own mind up.
Best of luck Jeff with your dilema.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Jeff Chris, I am serving in the Royal Signals as an IS Engineer, near Birmingham. Hopefully I am going to take the Gen Cert while still serving, seeing as i have got 2 years left. I was thinking of using my resettlement for something else maybe IOSH ??
Rank: Guest
Posted By Paul Oliver Jeff,
I agree that you should be looking at a formal H&S qualification, however I would see if you can gain employment using your current skills. Once you have a handle on civvy life you will then gain a better understanding of H&S management along with a suitable level of commercial awareness, then you can start looking for a suitbale H&S role.
I spent 5-6 years on the tools after leaving HMForces before taking up a H&S role. In this time I gained valuable experience from a great variety of projects and other trades which has placed me in a good position as a H&S Proffesional.
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Posted By Chris Peters Jeff, lots of people have their own master plan when it comes to leaving the services, the majority however don't. I'm sure you will agree. Regardless of what help is available through CTP, resettlement centres, etc, people will still be unsure and have doubts right up to the last minute. I was RE for 24yrs, finished in 2002. On finishing with the 'regulars' immediately stepped into a NRPS job with REME. From a personal point of view, if you can do the Gen Cert before you leave - go for it. Apply for Env Prot courses held at Halton (each one is stand-alone and are recognised by IOSH. Two of the courses are recognised by IEMA and go toward credit/points for Auditor status (check-out their site)) Environmental is the way ahead. Unit Fire Safety Manager course if you can (WO and above though) can give you student membership of IFE. I also submitted a portfolio to both IOSH and IIRSM detailing my H&S experiences and military quals with a view to joining as a member. IIRSM gave me full membership and NEBOSH, Technician status. Hope this helps.
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