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#1 Posted : 26 May 2006 15:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Macartney
Looking for some career advice. I am aged 50 and an engineering technician, there are two avenues that I have considered with possibly a view to combining them both.
A1 assessor and some form of work in a health and safety related discipline.

The assessor part is proving impossible to achieve as I cannot find access to 2 people studying NVQ / SVQ's. Still trying on this front but becoming demoralised, regarding the Health and Safety (H&S) part. I was thinking about the NEBOSH certificate as a start to obtaining some form of H&S training, I have read some posts about NVQ's? How would someone go about obtaining these and what type of work would be available to someone of my age?

Sorry the questions lack direction but now starting to think outside the box and need others advice. Based in Scotland any thoughts or advice appreciated.
#2 Posted : 26 May 2006 21:40:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Linda Crossland-Clarke
Hiya John

The NVQ assessors award is offered by lots of colleges, but you are right unless you can turn up with your own candidates many don't want to know. This why we ended up getting accredited to deliver the Learning & Development NVQ which contains the Assessors award. Mohammed and the mountain and all that!
Consider, can you find any other candidates that are studying a disciplin that you are competent in? You could assess them on that instead. E.g. Engineering or even a sport based NVQ. You are training to become an assessor at what ever your chosed field is, not just in the qualification you are assessing on. You could always get a couple of mates/colleagues to be assessed on the H&S standards just for the sake of your profolio, they don't realistically have to do the full NVQ.

Give me a shout direct with your location and details, you never know we may be able to get you some candidates.

Next point, once Assessor qualified, you can then assess NVQ's in your competence range. So if you have the NEBOSH Gen Cert, you will be able to assess the NVQ 3. If you have the next level qualification Dip 2, Dip 6 or NVQ 4 you can assess the NVQ 4. It may be that you will only initially be able to assess
an engineering discipline, (I'd have to see your CV to say for sure). So on this lines the Gen Cert would be a good place to start with your education as it will give an extra dimention to the skills you already have. If you feel as the gen cert would be teaching you to suck eggs, then go the NVQ 3 route, as you should be able to drag documentary evidence out of your workplace to rack up a good part of an NVQ level 3 in good speed (if you have the discipline and enthusiasm).

Feel free to give me a direct emial. I presume I have to write it out now due to the increased site security.



#3 Posted : 30 May 2006 00:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Macartney
Thanks for the speedy reply, sent you email with brief information about present job etc.

many thanks
#4 Posted : 05 August 2006 11:30:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By John Macartney
Anyone based in Scotland who can help, still struggling on both fronts. The cost of the Nebosh course is restrictive, anyone know or can offer advice on grants or help with fee's etc.

Many thanks
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