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Posted By The toecap I think this is NOT democracy. Why not ask the members what they think about job adverts. Its our Institute. I get fed up with this type of ruling.
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Posted By ITK We get the SHP "Free", so what does my £103 a year pay for then?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Anthony Kelly The changes to the forum make perfect sense. There is nothing to stop us from continuing to network outside of this forum and anyone looking for work can post a message asking to be contacted by potential employers. It's a bit of an anomaly to allow free advertising while supporting the Institute through paid ads in other media. Also, since when was IOSH a democracy, or more importantly, since when did being part of a democracy mean that you had an automatic right to vote on any proposed change?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Janette Draper I can’t believe that jobs are not going to be allowed on the careers forum! Its selfish and ridiculous.
The forums are here for us – the IOSH members. We pay our fees and this is our place to comment, network, moan, get advice and if possible better ourselves, be it by knowledge, education or by financial gain.
The careers forum is for that – careers. That is our careers, not some office person sat in the ivory tower at IOSH counting the revenue (or lack of it) from the ads posted on the forum.
As for the SHP – “Free”???? how exactly is that worked out? The mag comes out one per month and is predominantly filled with agency ads that run the same month by month. I get sick of looking at them and this forum is – or rather was a great place to look for work.
If you ask me its all about money… for the non-profit making organisation…
Rank: Guest
Posted By gham What about the folk looking for positions who are not members and/or do not have access to the SHP or it's website.
Buy resricting access to advertisements, which is what is being done, takes the level of service from the consumer (in this case the recruiter, and the job hunter), and reducing the posiblity of new commer getting that all important break.
Perhaps there may be some way the paid adverts can find its way onto this site making it free to job hunters, after all the advertisements are being paid for buy the recruiter
Rank: Guest
Posted By Steve99Jones Welcome to the age of information technology ..... er sorry IOSH!!!
Have IOSH ever carried out a survey to establish how many of the posts advertised in SHP have been filled by the time the ad has been prepared, sent to the publishers and then eventually published?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Andrew Cartridge I would suggest that this should be put to the vote of the MEMBERS, not the autocracy.
Your opinions please
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Rank: Guest
Posted By Sharon I agree with that too Andy!
Rank: Guest
Posted By Martin R. Bessant Whilst I appreciate that some members might have some concerns about the changes to this forum, it is not permissable under the IOSH Acceptable Use Guidelines to post them on the forums. If anybody wishes to express a concern, they should do so by emailing webteam@iosh.co.uk. and your worries will be addressed by an IOSH member of staff. Please note that although Job Vacancies are being removed from this forum, it will in future be concentrating with assisting members who are looking for a position with advice and an ability to post their availability. Thid thread is now locked and I must advise users that further threads on the subject will not be permitted. Martin Bessant - Lead Moderator.
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