Posted By peter gotch 1
My comments to Susan or Knight.....
I rather doubt that you have recruited a more than a tiny fraction of the personnel that I have. Not "harsh", but constructive.
1. If she's registered with an agency, then presumably (at least considering) looking for a job.
2. Trying to compare working for an enforcing authority with general National or Local Government experience is ridic.
There is a perception (often, AND I stress not always, justified - but I could cite numerous examples e.g. the City Council who rejected our prequal on the grounds that our H&S Policy did not specifically commit to compliance with HSWA - we had to point out that we had deliberately removed reference to HSWA as we operate internationally and instead had committed to all legislative compliance) that LA H&S is about jobs worths - 20 years in the same sector leaves concerns as whether typecast, or whether perfectly capable of moving into another sector - hence CV demonstrating range of experience is absolutely essential - clearly the agency appears to have picked up a problem of CV apparently showing a record of working in low risk environments, whereas posting would suggest broader experience.
There has always been a market for ex HSE/LA enforcing authority officers and this is never likely to shrivel away, albeit the training and mentoring of HSE Inspectors has apparently gone into terminal decline over the years.
12 years in HSE from 79-91, dealing with numerous sectors, equated to 26 fatal accidents and lots of other bad news. Obviously I have learnt lots that are valuable to the private sector (both as in house advisor and as external consultant) whether proactively - passing these lessons on - including to sectors which I had not dealt with such as rail, major hazards and nuclear, and in expert witness work (including more than 10 fatal accidents).
3. Whilst I doubt that there is an significant overlap between your consultancy's target market and ours (though recognising that I do not know who you work for! - cos your email link address does not indicate), I have always preferred to communicate with prospective recruits off forum to avoid telling our competition anything more about our plans than necessary.
Equally, in the current climate, I would prefer to offer any constructive advice off forum, not least to avoid any perception of breach of AUG3 (bearing in mind that I used to be one of what Merv has referred to as the Minotaurs - as a Minotaur tickled my sense of humour and still does).
4. Re separate posting about cold stores, surely you can afford to cost the guidance against your consultancy fees or take out a subscription to e.g. Technical Indexes Occupational Health and Safety Information System (ditto) ? When I glanced at lunchtime, OHSIS threw up over 50 documents referencing "cold store" (quotes are important to narrow search) published by HSE alone including that referred to above.
OHSIS has failed me on a few occasions, including when I have had to buy the RoSPA guide to beach safety - draft guidanc on subject not for public consumption yet forthcoming - expected to show photo of my border collie! - for sensible safety reasons -, and the industry guidance on safety in steam rooms (managed to use trip to Dubai to help give international perspective in my report relating to UK accident!)
5. Re your comments about malicious correspondence, preventing specific emails from landing in your intray might be more effective than simply blocking access by other potential, less malicious, people from contacting you or her?
We all get an incredible amount of unwanted emails these days - I get far more spam on my compamy account than I do in my personal email intray (this despite e.g. having both email addresses visible on the IOSH chat forums). Today it was a phishing email from "Halifax", immediately followed by a response to "Out of office" reply from "HBOS" - I know that HBOS is part of Halifax Group, but......! Sent both emails to a scam monitoring site, before deleting (permaanently)
Regards, Peter