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#1 Posted : 31 October 2000 15:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By George Hughes
I am updating our policy on workplace violence and want to involve as many staff as possible. If anyone has a questionnaire, which I can amend and send to staff it would be appreciated.

Thanks George
#2 Posted : 01 November 2000 10:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tim Davies
I work with several varied organisations and use a simple questionaire to gain instant feedback. Give me a call to discuss
01472 870745.
#3 Posted : 01 November 2000 12:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Philip McAleenan
Try this set of questions:

Violence at Work Questionnaire

1. Does your workplace risk assessment take account of the possibility of violence to members of staff (including internal and external sources)?
2. Do staff;
Handle large sums in cash?
Handle complaints from the public?
Work with violent/ potentially violent people?
Have special powers to enforce legislation, inspect premises, recover goods, etc?
3. Do staff have regular, direct contact with members of the public?
4. Do staff work in isolation?
5. Has a lone worker risk assessment been carried out?
6. Have staff been asked to report acts of verbal or physical violence as they would a workplace accident?
7. Is the workplace culture conducive to staff reporting such incidents if it emanates from colleagues or superiors?
8. What is the potential for:
Workplace bullying (from peers and superiors),
Racial or sectarian harassment,
Sexual or other discriminatory harassment?
9. What acts of violence have been recorded;
In your workplace?
In your industry?
10. Are working practices designed with the possibility of violence in mind?
11. Has the company prescribed actions to be taken in the event of violence towards staff?
12. Have relevant staff been trained in the causes of violence and recognition of warning signs?
13. Have staff been trained not to react abusively or violently towards awkward or abusive clients or customers?
14. Are staff supplied with communication equipment (e.g. radios, personal alarms or panic buttons) where necessary?
15. Does the communication work in all circumstances?
16. How often is the communication equipment tested?
17. Is the communication kept in a readily accessible place?
18. What action is taken when an alarm is used?
19. Do you have an emergency arrangement for failure of normal safety precautions?
20. Are home visits or work away from the normal workplace suitable for lone working?
21. Are staff expected to go into areas where the potential for violence is increased, e.g. bacause of gang activity, racism, sectarianism?
22. Do staff who make home visits of visits away from their normal workplace always have a point of contact?
23. Is the point of contact available outside of normal working hours?

Some of the latter questions are also OK for lone worker assessment.

Regards, Philip
#4 Posted : 03 November 2000 10:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Laurie

I would like to make use of your questionnaire. As it was not originally for my benefit, just checking that you have no objections?

#5 Posted : 03 November 2000 12:58:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ciaran McAleenan

Philip is not at his office at the moment. I can speak on his behalf. Please feel free to use the questions, as they are or modified to suit your needs.

If when you use them you think of better ways or additional questions we would be happy to hear about that. You can e-mail Philip at;


Good luck
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