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#1 Posted : 10 November 2000 13:40:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tom Lindley
Please consider this case and suggest any practical solutions - in anticipation - thank you.

A new factory has been built. A brand new spanker.

Fire escapes (5)are located down an external wall of length 160m.

It has been proposed that the company will require 3 long benches to be placed parallel to the wall leaving a gap for personal of 1.2m between and around all the benches. It is possible to walk around the ends of the benches. The benches are 1.2m above ground level.

The benches will be used to continuously support cables - flat / horizontally. It is not possible to create gaps in the benches.

Minor hot work (soldering and grinding) will take place on the benches. Small amounts of flammable solvents are likely to be used.

The Fire Authority will be consulted next week.

How can the company mitigate against blocking fire escapes? Risk Assessment has suggested some solution to lower risk. Please add your solution.

#2 Posted : 10 November 2000 16:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Stuart Nagle
Possible solutions:

1) more fire exits required in other parts of the complex

2) shorten benches and have corridors directing persons between benches to fire exits

3) reposition benches

4) find alternative method to employ cable trays and wiring (overhead perhaps or in ducting below floor level)

5) Examine other areas of work place - is there to be a mezanine floor - what about escape from upper levels if so ?

6) Create mezanine floor to hang cable trays from ... reduce length of benches accordingly or remove to mezanine floor with cables beneath...

#3 Posted : 12 November 2000 10:19:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By shaun mckeever
Just a few questions before I try and offer any reply.

1) How high are the ceilings in the factory?

2) How many people will be employed in the factory?

3) Is there clear unobstructed vision across the factory floor?

4) What other fire safety measures are in place e.g. smoke curtains, detection, sprinklers?

5) are there other fire escapes apart from the five in the wall you mentioned?

Shaun McKeever
#4 Posted : 13 November 2000 09:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Tom Lindley
"Answers" to the questions raised through responses:

a. Ceilings - the factory ceilings are above 7m.

b. Employees - c. 100 employees, c.10 empolyed in the bench area

c. Vision - The view across the factory will be restricted by other large machines.

d. Fire Safety Measures - the factory is a brand new shell. Standard safety measures are provided through Building Regs - Fire Exits and Emergency lighting only - Fire Safety Measures will be a result of our Risk Assessment - anticipating risk from our undertakings - hence the bench problem.

e. Other Fire Escapes - yes - they are all around the perimeter of this factory - the benches are to be located along one wall - blocking 5 Fire Exits.

Thanks for the interest - responses have stimulated further thought and interest from management.

Regards - Tom.
#5 Posted : 15 November 2000 10:59:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Stuart Nagle
Further to previous message, see:

Fire Safety - an employers guide

from HSE Books

Also contact Clive Bradburn at:
clive.bradburn@virgin.net (Chairman of IOSH South Eastern Branch) and ask for a copy of his paper on this subject, as delivered to the ISH SE Meeting on 14.11.00 at Fire Brigade H.Q. Tivil Maidstone.


Stuart Nagle
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