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Posted By Ron Young Apart from studying absence records, complaints & retention figures, how can an organisation reasonably prove that its stress management policy is working?
Rank: Guest
Posted By Mark Preston Here's a few resources that might help... HSE published this resource pack by Cranfield School of Management in 1998 "Mental Well-Being in the Workplace" isbn 0 7176 1524 3 You'll find chapter six - on auditing health/mental health in the work context - very useful. Also check out the stack of recent Contract Research Reports from the HSE - all of which cover methodologies for collecting quantitative and qyualitative data on workplace stress. CRR266/2000,Work related factors and ill health: the Whitehall II report downloadable here: http://www.hse.gov.uk/re...rr_pdf/2000/crr00266.pdfCRR265/2000, The scale of occupational stress: The Bristol Stress and Health at Work Study, downloadable here: http://www.hse.gov.uk/re...rr_pdf/2000/crr00265.pdfand CRR286/2000, Organisational Interventions for Work Stress: A risk management approach which you'll have to order from HSE books - details here: http://www.hse.gov.uk/press/e00202.htm
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