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#1 Posted : 31 October 2001 22:00:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Chris Harris
I have been told that asbestos was banned for use in the building of hotels in the 70s
Can anyone confirm this with actual legislation dates, or do I have to try to sanction an asbestos assessment over a range of properties built around this time in order to appease the authorities.
I appreciate the lead in time that is required but would like some specific date details, can any one help ?
#2 Posted : 01 November 2001 03:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ken Urquhart

Look up the Asbestos (Prohibition) (Ammendment) Regulations 1999. SI No 2373.

If you go to The HSE web Page: www.hse.gov.uk and use the search facility at the top right of the new HSE home page, then go to search HSE and enter Asbestos, it will bring up lots of accessible information.

Also go to the HMSO or The Stationery Office site if you want to access the Statutory Instrument. www.hmso.gov.uk

Historically Asbestos is generally of 3 (Three) types and they have all been banned progressively.
Blue, Brown and most recently White or Chrysotile which is the type most commonly found in Construction materials and components.(Also in the Automotive and Engineering Indutries as constituents of components such as seals, gaskets,brake and clutch linings, insulation etc., etc.,)

I am troubled somewhat however by the tone and some of the comment in your question.

I may be mis-interpreting your words and I dont intend to seem rude or patronising but this is such an important subject that people everywhere need to be absolutely clear of the dangers and the preventative and protctive measures relating to Asbestos, its possible presence in places and products and or its potential for exposure.

Please remember that many others read these pages and this is an opportunity to communicate current knowledge and information to upcoming Safety and safety related people as well as an answer to you..

Again, apologies in advance if you are uncomfortable with my comments:

Are you and those that you are dealing with really aware of the scale of the Industrial Helath and Community Health issues, that Asbestos has been and will continue to be responsible for.(Current predictions are 3000+ deaths a year)

Are you aware that around the world Governments are banning or have banned or are phasing in total bans of Asbestos and Asbestos containing products.

Are you aware of the traumatic and lingering deaths that many workpeople and non workpeople who were exposed through work processes, or in their homes, or when they were passing a work place where Asbestos was being manipulated, have suffered or are suffering.

Are you aware of the predicted deaths to come attributable to Asbestos, where the victims know they have had exposure, that there is a latent period of considerable years in many cases before the Asbestos related diseases manifests itself.

You make the comment that you have been informed that Asbestos material may have been banned by a specfic date and that you will only arrange a check or survey;

a). if that date is within your timescale.(Pre 1977)

b).the more worrying comment - that you will argue for a survey to appease the authorities!

Again, at the risk of being patronising, I hope that you and your business colleagues and related consultants, advisers, professional team members etc., associated with your project know, understand and respect the very real dangers that Asbestos poses.

I assume that you all also know that there are serious legal implications and penalties for ignoring Asbestos risks and legislation.

I would suggest that rather than try to justify an Asbetos material content survey to appease;

That you outright state/advise that an ASBESTOS SURVEY SHALL BE DONE - FIRST!

Also that you review your Policies, Procedures and Arrangements for your organisation and or those of whom you advise such that your first principle regardless of the age of the building or the product for that matter, is: It is considered to CONTAIN ASBESTOS.

Having made that generalisation, then have clearly defined Procedures and Rules that have been made known to everybody and that are strictly managed and followed.

If you are involved with a client who appears less than interestd in the risks and penalties associated with Asbestos then I suggest that you and or your organisation walk away from the situation, declare that you are not interested in doing the work or performing the contract.

Also if you are aware that the client goes ahead and uses somebody else without following the rules, then be prepred to refer their actions to the enforcement Agencies.

Asbestos is a Health and Safety issue that is now permanently with us and with Society. It has to be managed, and can be effectively managed provided people prepare plans, policies and procedures and train and communicate the correct information.

Asbestos is one of these Socio-Economic wonders of natural material that have given protection to the world but is also now recognised as too dangerous to be allowed to be used.

I hope that this information is of some help to you and informative to others who might be less well informed on the subject of Asbestos.

There is much help, information and guidance to be had on the subject from all around the world, just type in Asbestos on the browser bar.

If anyone wants to contact me my e-mail is.


Ken Urquhart
#3 Posted : 01 November 2001 08:18:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By R.Woods
A copy of my project on asbestos on it's way it contains info you may find useful.
If you want more info on asbestos email me at

Robert Woods
#4 Posted : 01 November 2001 10:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert K Lewis
The abandonment of the use of asbestos in construction is not a simple cut off date issue. It has been phased with friable materials only being banned for installation in the Late 70's early 80's. Other materials followed with asbestos cement only being fairly recent. The use of Amosite and Crocidolite in asbestos cement products is also not widely recognised and assumed as being of no significance, I have seen flues and rainwater goods consisting principally of Croc. with virtually zero chrysotile so rules of thumb do not work. Sampling, not date of installation is the only answer.

MDHS 100 provides guidance on the survey of a building for asbestos and has just been updated. I understand the the proposed new regs on the management of asbestos will make the use of this guidance document almost mandatory, with exemptions only in very restricted circumstances. As Ken explains the risks and effects are too great to ignore

#5 Posted : 01 November 2001 14:32:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard
A bit of food for thought.

The Asbestos (prohibition) (amendment) regulations 1999 that came into force on the 24th of november 1999 requires the subsequent ban of chrysotile products for use, re-use and importation (e.g. Asbestos cement, gaskets,artex etc.).

However a recent survey revealed asbestos cement and gaskets materials within a building built in 2000!!!!!!.

The moral of this story is to expect the unexpected.


#6 Posted : 05 November 2001 09:38:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Robert K Lewis
QED. Has this been confirmed by sample. It shows how long material can reside in merchants yards. It happened with Artex AX, ie asbestos free, some years ago
#7 Posted : 05 November 2001 11:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard
Yes the sample of ac contained minor chrysotile (1-15%).

A recent survey I was involved in indicated chrysotile gaskets in a heating system installed in 2001.

In my experience if maintenance operatives have access to good gasket materials they tend to use it!!!.

It goes to show how important information, instruction, training and supervision is even when asbestos is identified.


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