Rank: Guest
Posted By DML
Can anyone help with any information
regarding the colour of the indicating lamps when a motor is running (Red?) or when it is stopped (Green?). The same question applies to an open or closed valve. I read a good article in a magazine a good while back on the subject, it may have been The Safety & Health Practitioner. Any help would be appreciated.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Robert Woods
My experience is that red means a motor or process is running and green means it's not.
Many production systems also work on the traffic light system green safe amber [normally with an accompanying siren] beware the process/line is about to start and red danger the lines running. If the emergency stop was activated the red light would flash and the siren would sound.
Mayhem would then ensue as production managers would rush to see why production had stopped and first aiders and safety reps would fly to the scene to find any casualties.
Don't forget that there should be a lock off systen in place rather than trusting the lights the right colour [apologies if this sounds patronising but you never know].
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Posted By John Webster
Just to prove what a dangerous area this is, my experience is of green for running, red for tripped!!
I'm sure this won't help.
Rank: Guest
Posted By Jay Joshi
It can depend upon what you are referring to--Is it a conventional mimic process panel in a control room or is it a central electrical motor control centre or is it a computer based integrated DCS-PLC sytem etc. There is an HSE Contract Research Report; no. 166/1998 "The management of alarm systems" that may have some information. Use the website link below to access the report
Rank: Guest
Posted By Simon Wilkins
The 'traffic light' used on automated plant is the other way round. Green means the plant is running normally. Amber means that there is a condition that needs attention but the process is still operating to specification (eg it is operating with manual intervention). Red means that it is stopped or running out of specification.
Generally, a green light means that the plant is operating, the plant is running, the valve is open etc.
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