Posted By Neil Budworth
Dear Ciaran,
Firstly let me apologies for the opening remarks of my initial posting. The remark was merely an attempt to keep the tone light.
Secondly let me make it clear that I am responding as an individual. I feel that the workings of the institution should be as transparent as they can be and that as a council member I have a responsibility to explain why decisions have been made as I may have been party to discussion where additional information was available. This is not to say that information is suppressed there is often simply a large volume of material produced (the corporate plan itself had five working parties and a steering committee) and of course there will be formal and informal discussion around any subject.
With regard to your questions themselves a plan of work has been established to support the corporate plan, as you would expect. As far as I understand it the only action that is taking place on this issue is the audit to see how we are perceived by key decision makers and timescales for this are in the process of being agreed.
As I understand it the name of the Institution will be reviewed if we gain a royal charter. I do not have any further information than this other than the Institute of Environmental health Officers changed to the Chartered Institute of ….. when they obtained their charter.
I have taken the opportunity to double check with Liz Spencer and she has confirmed that the Institution hasn't made any decision regarding a name change – that is why we are carrying out an audit and consultation re current awareness and opinions! The info in the Corporate Plan was included to give members an idea of what might be involved in any brand review. It does not mean that we will necessarily do all or indeed any of it.
I do not have details of any times scales involved and know of no separate budget other than the budget which has been allocated to achieve the aims of the corporate plan per se, although some money will have been allocated for the initial stage (ie the audit) as part of that process.
What I am sure about is that name changes etc would not go ahead without consultation, in council we are very aware of the trust that members have placed in us, that is why we ensured that every member was sent a full copy of the corporate plan. This was a costly exercise, but we felt that the future direction of the Institution was such an important issue that every member should see the detail of the plan.
I have no specific details of the consultation arrangements, but they normally revolve around the Safety and Health Practitioner, the branches and increasingly via the website.
With regard to the impact on members stationary etc. Any change (and I want to emphasise that not only has no decision been made, but the gathering of data to make a decision has only just begun) would require a consultation period and I would hope and Liz has confirmed that there will be a clear timescale which allows members to run down their stocks of stationery and publicity materials. We have a large number of members who run managing and working safely and we need to ensure that any change is clearly signposted.
I agree with you that the fundamentals need to be worked on and we have started this. A couple of years ago the PR needs of the Institution were analysed by the company Countrywide Porter Novelli (the spelling may not be correct as this is from memory) on the basis of that report Liz Spencer was appointed and a PR department was set up. Together with CPN they have developed a corporate communications plan, which has many elements
The foundations are in place and we need to listen to the advice of the professionals we employ in order to best serve the needs of the Institution.
I am glad that people have read the corporate plan and have taken the time to comment on it.
As I said previously I am always happy to talk about the workings of council and to explain why decisions were taken and the arguments for and against.
Please give me a call on 0115 936 6509 or e mail me on and I'll answer any questions I am able to.
Best Regards