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looking for recommendations for a good anti-cut glove Many thanks
Rank: Super forum user
Oh my goodness that's like asking how long is a piece of string! What constitutes a good glove depends on what you want it for. What is the cut hazard, how does the risk arise, frequency of exposure to the risk, whether there is any puncture element, whether you need cut and chemical resistance, water resistance, indoor use, outdoor use, use with any other PPE, use when handling / using tools ......... the list could go on for a good page full of variables and like a lot of these things you need to try out several before you find the one that is right for you. A bit like finding your Prince Charming unfortunately you generally have to kiss a lot of frogs first!!!
Rank: New forum user
indoor use, by employees forming thin sheet lead as we manufacture scanners for airports (and before you ask we HAVE to use lead) the inside of the scanners have to be lead lined, the staff use a stanley knife (which is also under review) and wear a level 5 resistancs glove. We have not had many cuts but when we do, they tend to be quite bad, cutting the webbed skin between thumb and first finger, or over the thumb itself.. Currently using a Polyco product
Rank: Super forum user
Let the people who will be wearing them decide. What you buy they will hate for sure.
Trial a few and get them to pick the best suited
Rank: New forum user
I fully intend to do that, just wanting to reduce my shopping list
Rank: Forum user
Originally Posted by: Hsquared14 how long is a piece of string!
Twice the length from middle to end :)
Rank: Super forum user
Depending on how many you are looking to order and how much you are willing to pay you might be worthwhile asking a few companies in to provide demos, samples and to discuss with the potential users of the gloves (comfort/dexterity and protection level are all important considerations) - the likes of ARCO, Greenham etc are sometimes willing to do this or from the glove company themselves.
Rank: Forum user
Not one to promote any specific company but, we had a real issue with cut related accidents and after visiting a stand at the last H&S North Event I came across Tornado, they sent a "Quest" van to our site and after looking at what we actually do and speaking to the operators recommended the type of glove we do now actually use. We have had one cut related accident since we started using the recommended glove and that was because the operator removed the glove to do something. Give them a try https://tornadogloves.com/ or Jake@tornadogloves.com
Rank: Forum user
We kissed a lot of frogs before we enventually settled down to a general purpose level 5, but now use retractable blades - no more cut fingers
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