So into a thread that may provide a little relief to those starting in the profession, who believe that it is only them who are finding it challenging to get a role... or maybe not.
Following the most amazing, challenging and lucrative 12 years overseas, my last role was made redundant and as I had a couple of young kids, my wife and I took the opportunity to relocate back to the North West of England for their schooling rather than finding another job overseas and prolonging the eventual and innevitable move back at some future point, which may have impacted their schooling.
We had lived and worked in Australia (gaining Ozzie OHS diploma whilst there) but the majority of the time based in the Middle East but covering Southern Africa, North Africa, all GCC, India, Thailand, China, Australia (again) and New Zealand. In so doing picking up a vast amount of soft skills in influencing in the very different cultures, at the cost of spending a lot of time jet lagged and amassing war stories for the pub that no one, who had not worked and lived in those environemnts would ever believe.
After returning home, there was no immediate rush to find a position as I wanted to rennovate our new home and spend some quality time with the kids but after a few months the job hunt started in earnest with the remit of finding a role that would allow further quality time with the kids and wife i.e. not flying around the World pursuing ever greater career aspirations and more jet lag. What I thought would be relatively easy has turned out to be anything but. Over 100 applications (98 not meritous of any response) and only 2 interviews during which, both HR interviewers said, "do you think you will be bored with this role" which of course means we think you will get bored and move on. So I now ask myself, should I now downplay my experience?
Both also made issues over my last salary. Yes it was, what could be considered significant in comparison to "home" salaries but not for the role itself or what was expected. "I'm sorry but we cant match that". Yes I know what the salary range is for your role and I was happy to apply given that range, apparently falling on deaf ears.
So what to do Yanni? A CMIOSH, FIIRSM with NEBOSH donkeys years ago, a MSc in Workplace Health and Well-Being recently, (ready to start my PhD when I gain a job), PTTLs, TAPROOT and a fair old stack of other diplomas and certificates. Experience in Pharms, O&G, Construction, Aluminium and dross reprocessing and Steel. And after all that still can't get an interview for a "normal" job back in the North West
Being an optomist I dont get disheartened but I do wonder why the market is so tough up here given the propensity of jobs. Yes I left when the old CDM regs were in force however along the way I managed to pick up and work with Indian, Australian, South African safety acts and all the GCC labour laws. Do recruitment agents think that after this, mastering the "new" CDM regs is a step too far ?
Perhaps at 54, downsizing roles is impossible and perhaps I should pack up back to the sandpit where job offers have continued to come in, despite me returning home or even try and hunt something out in the last country I visited and fancied working in, Brunei?
Perhaps young divisional or corporate safety guys don't want to employ someone who they perceive will be after their job? In case there are any young div or corp guys reading this, trust me the desire for jet lag, an Emirates Plat card and necessity to endlessly use/abuse the latest corporate buzz phrases such as "does it have runway", "do you have skin in the game" etc has long since left the building.
Perhaps I dont have buzz-words in my CV that the software hunts out? Whatever happened to agents reading your CV and thinking about whether it fits?
Whatever the reason, I have certainly continued to refine my people and influencing skills over the years so perhaps there is hope yet a position in Cheshire or thereabouts may exist. Or Brunei or Africa or Saudi or Qatar. Lol the list goes on.
So the best place to be in a career hunt appears to be the middle. Its tough at the beginning and tough at the end. The middle appears to be a land of endless milk, honey and rivers of wine. Enjoy the middle.