It can't really be percentages, becasue if you're saying a critical is 5%, and you have 111 questions tehre's potential to score -455%, which makes no sense.
So it's just a score, and chris42's equation will owrk as well as any, it's just that instead of scoring 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, you'll be scopring -5, something, -1, something, 0.
Actually, I prefer one of two differnet approaches to chris42's: Mostly I'd rather have a separate scopre table that lists teh answers and teh possible score, then use a vlookup to get teh score. Thsi makes it trivial to regrade (e.g. if you decide a mnor should be -2 instead of -1, or a critical tshoudl be -20) - you just change teh value in teh lookup table.
If you don't want to use a lookup, rather than a long nested chain of 'if' statements, I find it tidier to use e.g.
So here, the 'MATCH(A1,{"conforms","OFI","minor","major","critical"},0)' looks up what is in A1 in the list (between {} marks) and returns 1 if it's the first, 2 if it's the second, 3 if it's the third, etc. (Match is not case-sensitive btw so 'Conforms' and 'conforms' and even coNfOrMS wills core correctly.)
Then the CHOOSE(??,0,-1,-2,-5,-10) returns the first value (0) if ?? is 1, the second value (-1) if ?? is 2, the third value (-2) if ?? is 3, etc.
So together it returns 0 for 'Conforms', -1 for 'OFI', -2 for 'Minor'. Sum them, add them to 100. Or set the scores as positive values and subtract the sum from 100.
You might want to use a validation and possibly a drop-down for the input cells so only recognised values can be entered in the cells - look at data tab on the ribbon and 'data validation'. This depends how consistent your typing (and that of the people using the sheet) is.
Edited by user 15 December 2020 15:30:00(UTC)
| Reason: fix percentage (doh)