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#1 Posted : 24 November 2023 12:35:31(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Hi everyone,

Hands up, I'm behind on logging my CPD on Blueprint, so I set today aside to catch up.

I have all my notes from the sessions I attended at SHW Farnborough (for the self-reflection etc.) but I don't have the CPD certificates. I know they scanned us in to every talk, and last year I was able to get certificates of attendance, but for the life of me I can't work out how to access the certificates this year. Did anyone else get their CPD certificates? And if so how? Or if you didn't, how did you evidence the CPD on Blueprint?

Thanks all!

#2 Posted : 26 November 2023 16:24:00(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Well no one has so far responded, so although I don't even know what SHW Farnborough is, I will mention that there shouldn't be any need to evidence your CPD with a certificate.  It's the reflection that is the evidence that you learned something; the certificate is only evidence that you attended.

thanks 2 users thanked Kate for this useful post.
PDarlow on 27/11/2023(UTC), peter gotch on 05/06/2024(UTC)
peter gotch  
#3 Posted : 26 November 2023 17:41:08(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch

Kate - SHW Farnborough was one of those MUST GO TO shows. Your probably got an email inviting you!

Christina - I hope you don't think that CPD is just about attending events or reading publications.

Whatever the design of Blueprint might suggest via its headings to categorise your CPD entries, CPD is about reflecting on what you learn that might help improve how you work in your current day job or perhaps the one you might be aspiring to.

For most of us, most CPD is done on the job, each time you face a new challenge that requires you to investigate something new or to gain better insight into whatever aspect of your role.

So, whilst I have no idea of where you work, perhaps you have existing robots, but the organisation decides to introduce some new fangled cobots. So, perhaps you sit down with a team and consider what risks this new technology will bring to the workplace (or the risks it might export to the public outside).

Perhaps there are standards you need to familiarise yourself with. Perhaps not and the team need to work from first principles and decide how best to mitigate the risks "so far as reasonably practicable".

All of which is learning for you (and probably others). So, you can work out how much added value this research has given you and record the CPD accordingly.

The only real difference between what you do on Blueprint compared to the previous online IOSH CPD system is that you now need to count your CPD in units of time.

But suppose you attended an hour long seminar at SHP Farnborough that SHOULDN'T necessarily translate as 1 hour CPD (though obviously it is tempted to record it as such if you are looking at a deadline and have to get up to a minimum of 30 hours' CPD for your year).

May be the seminar was very old hat but you got a little snippet of value from it, so 10 or 15 minutes. Might even be that you realise that the presenter is so out of touch with current thinking that even that recognition helps you see how others might be behind the times - sometimes even that sort of negative learning is CPD (I can think of a specific example of doing precisely this).

Conversely attending that event might have included a light bulb moment that sent you off to do more research. That one hour could quite easily escalate into 10 hours of CPD (any more and you need to split into more than one "activity").

So, think about what new initiatives you have been involved with in the last 12 months. Consider how long it took you to write papers on each and record your on the job CPD!

Assuming that your role regularly stretches you, identifying 30 hours of CPD a year should be quite easy.

#4 Posted : 05 June 2024 09:37:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

felixandreaa REPORTED for that hyperlink dropped in to the quoted text

#5 Posted : 05 June 2024 09:37:31(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

felixandreaa REPORTED for that hyperlink dropped in to the quoted text

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