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Hi, Have any Forum members any information on equipment such as door access swipe card systems that can also be used to consolidate and create a list of missing people in the event of an emergency on a large (500+ people) site?
Perhaps you have a system that you use or know of others that have one that we could look at. It would need to be able to cope with employees, visitors and contractors.
Paper based roll calls are only okay up to a point, we are interested in a quicker / slicker and more efficient method. Polo
Rank: Super forum user
Hi Polo.
I'd recommend you abandon a roll call- how long would it take the FRS to get to your site? One thing you don't want is to tell them you aren't sure of the location of all of the people because you haven't finished your roll call.
Have you looked at a sweep system? Trained colleagues who check specific areas and then report to a central point.
I managed to get the management here to abandon roll calls- they never worked. Local FRS are happy with our sweep system. We have about 150 people (max) at any one time and a 175,000 sq ft warehouse.
Hope this helps.
Rank: Super forum user
I agree with Andrew.
I worked for a production company recently with around 600 people. They all scanned in and out and the system produced a report linked to the fire alarm system when it sounded. Sorry - don't know name of system otherwise would pass it on to you.
Sounds like a good idea but you have to wait around for the print. You then have to go through the print and account for everyone. Just didn't work - took too long.
We went for a basic sweep system with departmental managers briefed on what to do in their area supported by the fire team.
We kept a manual signing in book for contactors / visitors that could be grabbed when the alarm sounded.
Rank: Super forum user
I have to agree with Andy, although others may in turn disagree with both of us!
I used the system you mentioned in a large factory 900+ and we had it wired that security hit a red button when the alarm activation was accepted and it printed lists by department by the time we got everyone to the assembly points. We never once got the lists to tally with numbers and ended up spending wasted time at the assembly points arguing about who was on a pass out to the dentist, who did a shift change with who, etc. Eventually we got advice from the local Brigade and they advised sweep.....marshals sweep each area an confirm everyone has evacuated. that was back in 2007 and I have successfully used the sweep method ever since in different organisations.
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We have upwards of 3000 people, we are a hospital we do a sweep and seach and horizontal evacuation. We do not do any roll calls it would be imposible as we have no idea who is on site at all, with patients visitors, staff etc
get rid of the books they waste valuable time and resource that could be carrying out proper work such as helping with evacuation
Come to think of it we dont have any assembly points -- it is written in the firebrigades responc plan that we dont have any and there could be 1000s of people milling around
Keep it simple get the persons out, phone the brigade and wait
Rank: New forum user
Hi - one of our clients mentioned this topic as it is so relevant to what we do - so hope you don't mind me adding to this. We design, manufacture and supply a sweep evacuation system which is robust and proven. I have also just written a Guide to managing Evacuation which touches on both roll call and sweep methods. The guide will be available on our updated site (planned for w/c Monday 21st Dec), but if you would like a copy in the meantime please let me know. In the meantime for some additional information about who we are and what we do please take a look at our site www.tagevac.comHope that is useful.
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I have also used such a system (small site, < 100 people) and just about every time we had an evacuation there was a discrepancy. Sweep systems are more reliable.
Rank: Super forum user
You have got to be careful Polo as I see you are a member of Hazardous Industries group. If the site you are dealing with is COSMAH site or has similar hazards but on a smaller scale you may not be able to do a sweep and will need a roll call if for example an explosion occurred.
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alicebobby REPORTED hidden hyperlink
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alicebobby REPORTED hidden hyperlink
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Morning Roundtuit Possibly Alice is from another planet where they have Cosmic sites.
Rank: Super forum user
Originally Posted by: peter gotch  Morning Roundtuit Possibly Alice is from another planet where they have Cosmic sites.
Clearly a time lord as its a 9 year old thread!
 1 user thanked HSSnail for this useful post.
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