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#1 Posted : 25 October 2023 11:51:09(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

OK, I have some concerns over the latest version (V9) of the citb cscs touch screen questions, in both how they are written, and, the 'correct' answers for them (as the revision tools).



'Exposure to Asbestos can cause which of the following three related health diseases'

this suggests that there is 3 listed and you must select, how many?

yet, there are 5 listed and its assumed that you select 3?

is it me or is this written incorrectly which could lead to confusion with the candidate (no its not me, one of my team have raised issues with the new questions.

another is:

A visitor has arrived on site to assess a worker carrying out a grinding activity. They have no eye protection with them. what action MUST you take.

out of 4 possible answers they list provide them with impact resistant goggles as the correct one, yet I would argue that it is not the sites responsibility (legally) to provide PPE for visitors it is the employer of the visitor, surely asking them to return/ensure they have suitable eyewear is a correct course of action?  of course it is a safe and balanced action to issue them with the eyewear but highlighting the word MUST in the question points to legal requirements and as such it would be the employer, not the site manager?

trying to understand is if it is how I am viewing this?

#2 Posted : 25 October 2023 12:50:13(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

I would certainly agree with your analysis.  For me, the correct versions of these questions to arrive at the intended answers would need to be more like:

1. Exposure to Asbestos can cause which three of the following health conditions?

2. What action would be appropriate to take?

thanks 1 user thanked Kate for this useful post.
Tittensor26376 on 25/10/2023(UTC)
peter gotch  
#3 Posted : 26 October 2023 18:12:30(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch

Hi Tittensor

Just symptomatic of online tests with multiple questions that may not be road tested by enough people with the appropriate understanding of real world scenarios. 

However the first question is just a matter of poor usage of the English language. On the assumption that the three correct answers might be say asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer then the lack of precision in the way the question has been posed is probably not a significant problem.

In contrast, the second question poses a fundamental matter of principle. Yes the Principal Contractor should be preventing this person from grinding without goggles. But it would be entirely reasonable for the PC to maintain that provision of the PPE is down to the employer of the grinder. It might be pragmatic for the PC to DECIDE to provide this PPE simply to get the job done and then argue with the subbie as to who pays.

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