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#1 Posted : 03 December 2004 14:30:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gburgess Hi everyone Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you all have a very happy and safe new year. Now we've got the pleasantries out of the way can I pick your brains. Is anyone aware of any information which is available on what standard, size, quality of resolution etc of screen various types of VDU users should have. eg. typists should have a 17' screen with a type face size of at least 12. I have been asked this as we are looking to purchase new monitors and cost is obviously being considered as some people want larger screens, some want flat etc. I look forward to your responses. Thanks Greg
#2 Posted : 03 December 2004 14:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin R. Bessant Hi Greg, I always have a personal preference for a screen of at least 17 inches. My work computer was that size, and the home system I use to moderate the websites also has a 17 inch monitor. I am tempted however to change my old large screen to a nice new flat panel display in the new year to reduce the footprint size on the desk. I am not sure if a minimum size is laid down in legislation, but using a larger screen and 12 point fonts makes reading much easier as one grows older! Happy Christmas, Martin.
#3 Posted : 03 December 2004 15:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Roger the Dodger Refer to the ISO 9241 series of standards for guidance on monitors and text sizes etc - specifically ISO9241-3. There are 17 standards in the series - costs a lot from Britsh Standards. Part 2 - 9 are the main that you would probably use.
#4 Posted : 03 December 2004 15:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Andrew Franic I do not think there is any set standard for size of monitor and font size, nor, in my opinion, should there be one. If you look at the DSE regs " general principles" are provided. Your choice of 17" monitors and 12 point font is what I would choose, but don't look for stipulated numbers and don't fall into the trap of specifying numbers as when you do, people will just focus on the number you gave them and will totally ignore the reasoning behind choosing them. If the size is what your group of people think is right for them, choose it, but let each individual make their own choice - remember the "Goal Setting" principle of current health and safety thinking. If anyone has any info contrary to the above, I would be happy to know of your point of view.
#5 Posted : 03 December 2004 15:13:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Kieran J Duignan In relation to your question, 'what standard, size, quality of resolution etc of screen various types of VDU users, if you are asking this in relation to managing risks of employee health and safety, you'd be well advised to either learn to conduct an ergonomic risk assessment or get some done by a registered ergonomist. Details on relevant technical standards of VDU monitors and other forms of display screen equipement are published in ISO standards; www.userfocus.co.uk provide a good 'bluffers' guide to them. Beyond that, do read the HSE's guidance on the 1992 (and 2002 update of) Health and Safety Display Screen Equipment. Written by safety ergonomists, it explains how to trade off options to safeguard against risks of musculo-skeletal problems, eye disorders and DSE user stress. The right trade offs need to consider far more than user taste: they include in particular the range of tasks to be done (graphics have display characteristics than text for example and the range within each depends on their purposes), his/her body eye condition, ambient and local lighting.
#6 Posted : 04 December 2004 00:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Ken Taylor To put it simply, they don't say what size the screen should be but that the charecters on the screen should be well-defined, clearly formed, of adequate size and with adequate spacing between the charecters and lines. 17 inches seems to have emerged as the preference for normal monitors and programmes these days allow you to adjust font sizes, etc to your requirements.
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