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#1 Posted : 15 March 2011 10:57:49(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Any one able to offer a template for a Health and Safety Gap Analysis or point me in the direction for one please?
Steve Sedgwick  
#2 Posted : 15 March 2011 16:14:47(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
Steve Sedgwick

Your question is a little broad but I will have a shot anyway hence the reason others haven't replied.

A gap analysis on the whole of, or most of the matters in Health & Safety would be something like DNVs ISRS H&S management system that lays out the key HS arrangements and standards that are to be inplace. ie a full audit of all your HS Arrangements against a set standard

If you have been asked to "do a gap analysis on your H&S" then I suggest that you ask that person to be more specific otherwise you will try and provide something that wasn't expected.

#3 Posted : 15 March 2011 16:17:44(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Many thanks Steve. Looking for gap analysis of a health and safety management system. Was wondering why no comments!!!
#4 Posted : 15 March 2011 16:34:32(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Murray18822 wrote:
Many thanks Steve. Looking for gap analysis of a health and safety management system. Was wondering why no comments!!!

Against HSG65? or against another standard? Is this for Diploma project? or real life?

I spotted this the other day... http://www.hse.gov.uk/textiles/audit/index.htm

The POPMR bits should work across all industries. I also have an audit from our insurers, can't share but maybe your insurers could provide similar?

The otehr option is take HSG65 and go through each bit! I am sure others will provide other templates
#5 Posted : 15 March 2011 16:37:48(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Many thanks teh_boy. Was going to develop one around HSG65 but thanks for the link
#6 Posted : 16 March 2011 08:34:51(UTC)
Rank: Forum user


I have developed a tool based on HSG65 and would be happy to share if you wanted to PM me your e-mail details.

#7 Posted : 24 March 2011 14:28:37(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I have developed and used a gap analysis document for the OHSAS 18001 Standard. Let me know if you want a copy.
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