Posted By rjhills
My advice, having been through the same experience a couple of times, is to write down all your experience (not qualifications cos thats a said, but write a list of every aspect of H&S you have covered, and don`t forget the other "little jobs" like fire safety, security, environmental stuff (EG noise monitoring etc)that you may have had to do in the H&S role you had.
Do a small precis for each bit of your experience, and rewrite your cv to ensure it has small bites of your experience knowledge.
When sending a cv to consultancies, you wouldn`t believe the type of things they are on the lookout for.And remember the only thing they know about you is what you tell them. If you give the impression of a knowledgeable experienced professional,(Which you are), with summaries of your knowledge, you will get phone calls like you would not believe.
Speak to a lot of agencies and send your cv to all the local and regional ones, but don`t forget the nationals.
I got an offer within 6 weeks of revamping my old cv on the occasion that my old company relocated.
Also, be ready to take on contract work, as some agencies build up a list of people available, and you can get a phone call out of the blue for a contract as a result.
Also, ring the agencies regularly, so that the contact consultants get to know you, and your availability.
I got a short term contract, and whilst I was in the middle of it, the same consultancy put me in touch with a blue chip organisation, which I joined after contract completion.
Do not be down hearted. It isn`t unique what happened to you.
Keep going and it will come right for you, regardless of your age.
Remember you have got a lot of experience that cannot be gained in the classroom, you have practical experience which is of great benefit whether you look for employment, or go down the self employed route, which I have also done for some years.
But do not let what happened to you get out of perspective. There are thousands of organisations of every size, which are desperate to find such a person with your experience.
Good luck.
JR Hill