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#1 Posted : 02 February 2006 09:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Walker
A recent thread complained that they had far too many over qualified Trainers applying for a junior role that was advertised.

Not sure where they all are, as I have posts for senior CITB/IOSH Trainers, see thread below, and have not had any enquiries at all yet!

So if you are a highly qualified (MIOSH/CMIOSH minimum) and accredited to train CITB Courses as a minimum, drop me a line and you could be joining one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing and respected consultancies in the UK.

email: careers@4seerisk.com NO AGENCIES PLEASE

Check out our web site www.4seerisk.com
#2 Posted : 02 February 2006 09:55:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Richard Altoft
Many trainers prefer to work freelance and sometimes on a less than full time basis possible because they have other committments. Also they like a decent level of pay with expenses properly covered.Working reasonably close to home occasionally is also good. If you meet those criteria Mike please feel free to contact me
R (CMIOSH, up North, very experienced, 30 years in construction)
#3 Posted : 02 February 2006 10:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Philip McAleenan
Mike it is possible that in detailing your requirements you have been unnecessarily restrictive in respect of the qualifications that you require. Many trainers have achieved their qualifications through sources other than CITB/IOSH and are as equally if not more effective as trainers (depending on the nature and type of course and their competence).

Likewise, you have confused membership of IOSH with qualification. Granted, the level of membership that you state does require the applicant to provide evidence of particular qualifications, but MIOSH/CMIOSH is not itself a qualification. In all likelihood there are many highly qualified and competent safety professionals and trainers who have chosen not to be a member of IOSH, or to have followed CITB/IOSH training programs who are well able to do what you require.

Unnecessarily restrictive requirements attached to job advertisements are not good recruitment practice and, if shown to unfairly discriminate against other potential applicants who are otherwise meritorious, may put you in contravention of employment legislation.

If you want the best, be specific about what you need and exclude all extraneous stipulations that will close the door to a wide pool of potential staff/associate.

#4 Posted : 02 February 2006 13:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Frank Hallett
Mike, I haven't bothered you as you specify CITB qualification/accreditation.

Apart from that, I fit your spec and can do the business.

Frank Hallett CFIOSH
#5 Posted : 02 February 2006 16:36:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Wilson
Philip! WHAT!!!Industrial Tribunual because you want someone who is CMIOSH! get out of here mate!! This is a plea for someone who has a certain level of competence and CMIOSH would give that, whether they are any good a presenting now thats another issue.

#6 Posted : 03 February 2006 08:30:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Philip Roberts
I am in the same position as Frank. I am not accredited to CITB but I have been a lecturer in Further Education for a number of years and in my present position as HSQE adviser I produce and deliver my own Safety and Health training including Manual Handling, Fire awareness, DSE, Working Safely, H&S for front line managers etc etc. I would love to get into consultancy/training but have not applied for the positions you have advertised as the minimum requirement is CITB accreditation. If you feel I could fit the bill please contact me,

best regards
Phil Roberts CMIOSH
#7 Posted : 03 February 2006 08:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Wilson
To get CITB Accreditation just go to their www and download the application only one page and takes 5 minutes.
#8 Posted : 03 February 2006 10:15:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Frank Hallett
So what are you saying Dave - it's not worth specifying? My opinion - only the CITB get anything out of it!

Mike, I have to agree with earlier comments by Richard Altoft; but I cannot say whether they apply to you 'cos I didn't even consider getting past the relatively worthless [to everybody except the CITB] accreditation. Also, the following comments do not necessarily apply to Mikes post.

For all those who want good presenters/consultants - the really good ones rarely respond seriously to open pleas for such positions anymore as we find that we're expected to provide an extended day for generally less than £250 AND often take expenses out of that too!

If I wanted to be paid the equivalent of a permanent post, I would be in a permanent post! If the recruiter is only interested in paying the average permanent wage - then employ somebody full-time.

This ought to be on the Chat Forum!

Frank Hallett

#9 Posted : 03 February 2006 10:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Walker
Thanks for all the responses.

Good to see that it has created a bit of debate.

Our position is very clear on the issues that are raised. At 4See we believe that Health and Safety Professionals are generally undervalued by industry as a whole. We have set up (and grown rapidly in the last 2 years) a consultancy with a difference! We have a minimum entry requirement of MIOSH (now CMIOSH or GradOSH)for all consultants that join us.

We know that there are hundreds of SHE Professionals out there that do not have this membership, but are very well qualified and highly experienced and there are many consultancies and employers that will snap them up! But in our markets (and our clients views are everything) IOSH membership is the recognised "Gold Standard".

It is also true that just having full IOSH membership does not mean that the individual is a highly talented and professional consultant and many that apply wouldn't make it onto the books of 4See.

Finally, some of the best consultants prefer to work as associates, but at 4See we only employ full time (unless specifically requested otherwise by clients), this again is in response to our clients requests.

What we are creating is proving hugely popular with major clients, as we offer a consistant and highly professional/capable service to them. I accept that this is not the only way of doing this and that we are not the only consultancy that are of a high quality. BUT there are lots that are not and we guarantee this quality to our clients.

On another point raised, we don't allow anyone "just to train" as we expect all our (again highly talented) trainers to be consultants too (hence the need for MIOSH etc.)

I cannot accept that anything we are doing is discriminating in any way. We believe Health Safety and Environment deservesthe highest level of recognition in industry - as many of the practitioners are highly professional. We really believe that this market will go through a huge "recognition" process over the next 2-3 years and SHE Professionals (all of you) will be given the respect and credit that your skills deserve.

This belief drives our desire to have only the best working for 4See, so that we are are the forefront of this market. Yes it does restrict those who can apply and will make recruitment more difficult for us. BUT we have grown from 1 to 12 in just 2 years and will grow to at least 30 in the next 2. There are more than enough people in the market to enable us to grow and we think the hard work is worth it.

Thanks again for all the comments.
#10 Posted : 03 February 2006 12:14:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Bellis
I am CMIOSH 11 years experience- also do training -teach NEBOSH general and Construction- teach IOSH Managing safely etc etc becomming accredted to run CITB SMSTS

I have been in touch with your company previously - who have nothing for me? - I am in the wilds of the North West though and I think it was too far away for you. I have tried to drop an email to you buts its getting rejected (bit like me!)

#11 Posted : 03 February 2006 12:42:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Dave Wilson
Sorry what I was saying is how simple the proces is to get CITB registered.

Good marketing ploy as if a firm is CITB Registered then they can claim back from the CITB in a grant the money which you have charged them for that training to deliver a course recognised by the CITB.

So charge £120 per delegate for the day and the client can claim back I think approx £65 or even more in some cases from them in a grant.

You get paid going rate, clent gets cheap training = Happy days!
#12 Posted : 03 February 2006 15:22:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Mike Walker
To Paul Bellis

Paul, I do apologise. I did receive your email and replied to you on 20th September 2005. I said in the email that your experience and details were very interesting to us, but that we already had a consultant based in North Wales and hence did not need anyone in the area at this time (bearing in mind you responded to an advert for posts in the South).

I said that I would keep your details on file should we experience further growth in your area and contact you in the future.

Not sure what point you are trying to make on the forum, but it does come across as a little critical of us, which I think is a bit unfair in the circumstances. I will forward my email from September to you again, as I can only assume that you did not receive it.

Best wishes

Mike Walker
#13 Posted : 03 February 2006 18:29:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Paul Bellis

There is some crossed wires I think and I aopogise if my email read if I was being critical of 4 see

The point I was poorly attempting to make was.

Here I am I am a qualified trainer - I have left my details with you previously but it would appear that you have now opportunities that may suit?
I have tried to reply to the forum by e-mail direct - to the email posted on the webpage but it was rejected by the server

I did recieve your previous mail and thank you for your consideration at that time.

There was no slight to 4 see intended offence intended -

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