Posted By naveen duggal
Hi,I do agree with emma's situation,even I experienced such odd situations and attitude problem with some emloyers/ few organisations,so I changed my jobs,where they had keen interest to support the safety campagins and I got job satisfaction & recognition.
Some construction companies or industry want only production or output without a safe work place or not bothered whether people are safe to work in? Which causes more accidents, fires and injuries.People are at risk?
Especially. In many developing countries, safety is not taken seriously, So,One has to accept the present situation ,identify the basic needs to convience the management,step by step, get the support,resources, proposals of training passed, and one should not get discouraged.Our role as SHE, is very stressful, challenging & demanding? Alternatively have other choices, , it is suggested to work with an organisation which wants strict enforcement of implementing a safe system of work.Share and Care policy.
Involvement and participation of management & workers to attain "Zero Harm,zero accident" policy. Bringing added value service by getting support and encouraging supervisors,teamleaders, adminstration,by having Sports,Safety week ,Family day and safety awards with the message
"Return Home Safely" , "Think, Act and Behave Safely and be Safe".could bring harmony acceptance. Best of Luck, Naveen Duggal