Posted By Steve Wood
this is probably full of holes, 'cos it's time to go home, but.....
if the evidence from the Greens and the GM companies is not independent (and while ACRE is "independent", a number of the individuals on it have registered interests to one side or the other) then us non-scientists have to make up our own minds. So, while i see the point about electricity and organ transplants.................
surely for everything we once feared, that in the end turned out "good", we can name something that someone thought would be "good" that came back and slapped us right in the face. Ahh, those cigarettes, so relaxing, so good for the throat. blocked nose? use menthols! Thalidomide, cures your morning sickness, fast. Cattle feed too expensive? give 'em dead cows, it's so cheap! Different examples, with multiple causal factors and different ratios of "blame" to "misfortune". Similarities? all difficult to avoid until the true dangers were in the public domain, and for some it was too late.
I NOW know to avoid cigarettes, for instance, and can do so fairly easily (notwithstanding forum threads passim!) - but it feels like it will be a lot more difficult for me to avoid GM foods, or foods with GM ingredients, maybe until it's too late.
Even if I accept, for a moment, that GM foods will not harm me directly, can we be absolutely sure that there will be no detrimental effects on the food-chain (remember that cattle feed!), and that we can put it right if we need to? It's also hard not to be suspicious when we have a society where the biggest purse so often gets the loudest shout.
So, excuse me if i decide to fall (sorry, descend the properly secured ladder) on to the cautious (if not wholly cynical) side of the fence for now. More cast-iron guarantees needed.
I might have to do a bit more reading to see if the economical/political aspects can be separated from the safety aspects - isn't it because people aren't sure about the possible safety and economical effects that it's become a political issue?
and....just as i slip, trip and fall off my soapbox (no proper risk assessment!), how did i wander on to the GM crops forum?!