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#81 Posted : 30 August 2011 15:00:47(UTC)
Rank: New forum user

Which sites do the IOSH community generally look at to find roles as I have a role I wish to advertise but I am not allowed to post it on here.

Thanks for your help
#82 Posted : 02 September 2011 10:40:20(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Last month it took me a few days to read the SHP jobs section properly and noted I had missed a job advertised in South Wales. It was only a few days, but when I checked the web site (think the one you spread on Toast- if you’re lucky enough to have a toaster), it could not be found. I decided to check the other potential jobs on the same advert and only one of the 4 was current.

This month determined to do better, SHP came through the door yesterday afternoon, checked last night and none of the jobs from the same agency seem to exist. Tried to search for all possible options of how it may be entered, even those reference numbers (where there is no proper place to enter on the site ). No hits. Yes there are some H&S jobs, but a lot are only vaguely related to H&S.

It must cost a lot to advertise, so what is the point ? Is it to get me to go to the website ? Are these jobs are a figment of some evil persons imagination ?

Thinking of giving up with the whole H&S business and doing something else, as I have a lot of transferable skills. Unfortunately of all the jobs that I could transfer my skills to do, there are umpteen people who have actually worked in those roles also seeking those positions. Waiting to find out the answer regarding IPD, I asked IOSH two months ago, before making any final decisions. They appear to be in no hurry to answer and reading some of the posts it takes several months even if I submitted my portfolio today, so already may be too late. My best calculations give me about 4 months before I can no longer pay the mortgage.

May make myself a really hot cup of coffee and run up down the stairs a few times, just to feel like I’m living on the edge. Perhaps this can be classed as a new extreme sport, it fits in with the whole the new “going out” is “staying in” idea.
#83 Posted : 02 September 2011 13:38:08(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

On the IPD side. I managed to get from start to finish with IPD my peer review interview in no more than 9 - 12 months. Have you tried ringins IOSH they are very helpful in my experience.

As for the job front just keep trying and asking for feedback from agencies something will turn up as from my findings jobs do exist, I have turned down again the opportunity for an interview on a rotation back to UK.

Best of luck and really hope you find something.
#84 Posted : 04 September 2011 12:50:20(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

First of all thanks for the responses from TLC and Terry556

Further to some private messages and some previous posts saying that there are lots of H&S jobs and go and look at a particular site. Please note it was kind of those PM’s that responded with encouragement and I’m not having a go at them. But I do look at these web sites frequently and this is an example of what was found this morning from the one stated.

The search was for any H&S related job in Wales, although I’m in South Wales some sites have difficulty with this (including the Government’s one). I found 47, so at first glance this would indeed seem good. However there were only 10 real H&S jobs (see below). Of these 10, 5 required CMIOSH, 2 of them would be too far to commute, 2 asked for specific qualifications which I do not have. This means there was 1 job I could actually apply for. This is a good day, normally there are none.

Some posters seem to give the impression that there are lots of jobs and those of us looking are not trying hard enough, I beg to differ. This little exercise has taken just over 3 hours, again worth it as I have something to apply for. Wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to wade through all the …… (Please fill in any word you feel appropriate) though.

Review findings detail :-

Job No 1 Not H&S and too far away.
Job No2 H&S Manager utilities - Must have CMIOSH Job repeated in No’s 3, 5, 7, 9, 37.
Job No4 H&S Consultant – North Wales so too far and CMIOSH ? FMIOSH required Job repeated in No’s 6, 36, 41.
Job No8 Only £15k and deadline to apply was 17/03/2011!.
Job No10 H&S Manager – Flint – did not exist when followed trail. Job repeated in No 22.
Job No11 H&S Manager – asked for CMIOSH &“Wind farm experience a must” so unfortunately not the correct experience. Job repeated in No’s 19, 28, 29.
Job No12 H&S Manager – Must have warehouse experience and be a RTITB forklift trainer, so again unfortunately incorrect experience. Job repeated in No’s 13, 15, 16, 18.
Job No14 H&S Manager – Mine / quarry - CMIOSH asked for – followed links but ultimately did not exist. Job repeated in No’s 23, 24, 26.
Job No20 A real job – I can apply for
Job No21 Gwynedd – H&S Manager must be CMIOSH
Job No25 Not fully H&S despite the title quoted – more management systems and only a few months.
Job No27 No longer available
Job No30 West Wales so too far away and very vague over the actual job requirements.
Job No31 Link took me to a list of training providers only !
Job No32 CDM coordinator – Which unfortunately I’m not qualified for.
Job No33 Wrexham – so too far away. Job repeated in No’s 35, 38.
Job No34 Pembrokeshire – possibly too far to travel, but also CMIOSH required.
Job No39 Llanelli – H&S Manager – seems live but following repeat adverts via different agencies say it is no longer available. Job repeated in No’s 40, 44, 45, 46, 47.
Job No42 Listed as no longer available. Job repeated in No 43.
#85 Posted : 05 September 2011 04:36:14(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Hi Chris

I think there is a lot of jobs being advertised repeatedly. I wonder if it is the agencies wanting to look busy to get new clients?

One thing I have noticed though in the job market is the salary levels have dropped form the jobs I have looked at for the standard they are looking for but they do have the pick of the market. Maybe more worrying times ahead if you listen to the news about the economy.

John M  
#86 Posted : 05 September 2011 08:44:25(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
John M

The bottom line is that there are far too many "safety people" chasing too few positions. Recently, we had to advertise for a "hands on" safety officer (to replace one that was returning to Souh Africa.) Some 47 applications were received, of which only 4 could demonstrate the required experience /exposure and man management skills. Of the four, three were CMIOSH , two Registered on that Register and the other was a member of another safety organisation. The latter was the successful candidate based on his experience and job spec suitability.

Over the past 5 years or so of recruiting many safety persons I am of the opinion that not all are real professionals with many holding impressive post nominals who are ill equiped for demanding roles.

When people on site (there are very many) ask me how to "get into" H&S I always advise them not to even consider it and to seek other means of earning a living.

The H&S profession is not what it was 20 years ago - unfortunately!
#87 Posted : 05 September 2011 08:49:24(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

True about the number of H&S people applying for number of jobs. I posted on the careers part about the diversification of the H&S professional. I have pushed more into Environment than into H&S the last few years for the purpose of career advancement.

I know people in the consultancy game have had other persons join in adn really low prices trying to make aliving and pay their mortgage with no jobs on the offering.
#88 Posted : 05 September 2011 13:59:30(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

The equation on which the quantity of safety management jobs are based upon is complex and although the recession has had a significant impact on pool of available employment, employers also appear to be focusing their search on specific S&H personnel such as high level S&H personnel with strategic management skills or specialist safety personnel such as engineers, CDM-Cs, radiation protection advisors etc.

On large construction projects all senior personnel are expected to understand and implement the safety management arrangements themselves and we also expect sub-contractors to also have the necessary specialist safety management knowledge for the discipline that they are undertaking. I suspect that the same also applies to other industries.

I think what I am trying to say is that organisations with strong management cultures have already listen and learnt from us and no longer need us as these skills have already been passes onto other middle managers and those weaker organisation are probably no longer interested in us with H&S no longer being in Vogue!

I have been very lucky in through safety that I have developed the necessary management, academic and specialist skills to survive (and also give one stay of execution); however I have also had to reinvent myself on more than one occasion. As a result of this, I no longer practice as generalist S&H practitioner.

In terms of my future, i.e. the next 10 to 12 years I suspect that my role within safety will taper off and my career is likely to take yet another turn!
#89 Posted : 08 September 2011 21:29:38(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

'I think what I am trying to say is that organisations with strong management cultures have already listen and learnt from us and no longer need us as these skills have already been passes onto other middle managers and those weaker organisation are probably no longer interested in us with H&S no longer being in Vogue!'

Stedman, I think that is a very valid point, particularly where an engineer is appointed as the 'safety person' on a project. That said, I think that good health and safety management requires a bit more than a SMSTS or 5 day IOSH working safely course. But then I would say that as a chartered h&s practitioner.

Incidentally, been offered a role I was interviewed for and now waiting for the contract of employment - this year has been a struggle.

#90 Posted : 09 September 2011 08:58:04(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Chris42 wrote:
Thinking of giving up with the whole H&S business and doing something else, as I have a lot of transferable skills. Unfortunately of all the jobs that I could transfer my skills to do, there are umpteen people who have actually worked in those roles also seeking those positions. Waiting to find out the answer regarding IPD, I asked IOSH two months ago, before making any final decisions. They appear to be in no hurry to answer and reading some of the posts it takes several months even if I submitted my portfolio today, so already may be too late. My best calculations give me about 4 months before I can no longer pay the mortgage.

I also tried to give up H&S and side step into a another role with my transferrable skills but also found that there are lots of other candidates with those skills but also the experience meaning I didn't get a look in.

I consider myself lucky that after then not being able to find work back in H&S for some time I was suddenly offered two jobs, one of which I have now started - though on a lower salary that I think I'm worth - and I'm hoping that this is a good employer and an interesting role.

I think the market is saturated with people of a lesser quality nowadays who are driving down salaries. As a consultant I find it frustrating how many peope are losing their job in a specific industry and deciding to become a general consultant instead. Consultancy work is very different and not everyone is suited to it but I found myself up against those with no experience as a consultant but willing to work for less. Frustrating.

For those still looking, I don't think if you haven't found a role that you're not trying hard enough just that these are hard times and you just need to keep plugging away.

Chris I hope you get a job before you run out of money, thank goodness I wasn't in that position. Ray I hope your new job goes ok.
Victor Meldrew  
#91 Posted : 09 September 2011 09:50:31(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Very best of luck Ray - hope all goes well.
#92 Posted : 13 September 2011 00:41:15(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I am currently awaiting results for NEBOSH General Certificate and have applied for a few junior position/entry level jobs, this week i applied for the same job 3 times through 3 different agencies and heard nothing apart from being told by each of them that i had been short listed.

I am hoping to go on to do BSc in Occupational H&S at local uni 1 day a week as its free as i live in wales, as the local college wanted thousands to do the NEBOSH Diploma, some employers/agencies are saying they want Diploma and wouldnt consider the Degree.

Is there such a difference between the 2 qualifications or is it that they are ignorant to the qualifications needed and have only heard of NEBOSH?

I would like to find somewhere part time or somewhere willing to allow day release to attend uni that would benefit me and the company.

#93 Posted : 13 September 2011 09:30:06(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user


The NEBOSH qualification is generally regarded as the benchmark for health and safety, hence many jobs ask for it. That said, many employers/agencies accept that an equivalent NVQ, or degree is equally acceptable, just as some jobs insist on a degree in h&s. It is often the case that the HR department put together a job description and they are blissfully unaware that there are other good h&s qualifications beyond the NEBOSH thingy.

I have never done a NEBOSH qualification, but got into the industry via a MSc in H&S Management. I have never experienced any problem with prospective employers or agencies with my qualifications, although I also accept I may have been overlooked on occasions without my knowledge. There are of course other attributes a prospective employer is looking for and therefore perhaps we should not get too hung up on the qualification aspect.
#94 Posted : 13 September 2011 22:48:48(UTC)
Rank: Forum user


#95 Posted : 14 September 2011 09:28:01(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user


In terms of future proofing your position, if you are not already a member of the degree club, then arguably the degree should always be the first choice as this qualification potentially would open up a greater scope of opportunities. If you have a degree then the NEBOSH Diploma is still well known.

Interestingly if you read Chris42 posting (number 84) on this thread in detail, it appears to be CMIOSH which is becoming the employer’s recognised criteria and not the NEBOSH Diploma.
peter gotch  
#96 Posted : 14 September 2011 13:10:52(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user
peter gotch


I don't think you should be deterred from applying for some of these positions as some of the employers may find that they have set person specs at unrealistic levels.

So look at the job description and then explain to e.g. the wind farm contractor why you have relevant experience that can be transferred to wind farm development.

We have clients who frequently set company specifications which if we took as wholly gospel would find the client significantly limiting its supply chain.

Two months into CDM 1994 we had to demonstrate at least a year's experience of providing Planning Supervisor (PS) services. As happens we could but.....!

More recently a client wanted us to demonstrate our experience as PS or CDMC on wind farms specifically in one part of the UK - well as not a lot of wind farms had been constructed there, we had to point to our experience elsewhere being transferable.
#97 Posted : 15 September 2011 19:32:19(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

Thanks Stedman,

I got my NEBOSH results yesterday and passed with a credit and heard today that I have been accepted for the degree course, I hadnt previously studied for a degree as I chose to go and earn some pennies after leaving school, better late than never to get some more qualifications I suppose.

#98 Posted : 16 September 2011 10:30:20(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

Thanks for the encouragement Peter. I have been reading the various discussion topics and there have been quite a number of posts from people who employ others, who seem exasperated when people apply for jobs requiring something like CMIOSH, when they don’t have it or some other specific criterion. I don’t necessarily let this stop me, but suspect that my CV is filed in the bin in the first round of sifting. It is after all an easy criterion for narrowing down the list.

Stedman, most of the adverts required NEBOSH Dip, I just didn’t particularly list all of them as I have this qualification. So the CMIOSH adverts also wanted NEBOSH Dip or degree etc.

I’m not specifically upset with the lack of jobs as such, but having my time wasted by apparently bogus jobs does annoy me. Time is precious even for the unemployed, like most H&S people that use these forums, we are not the sort of people who can or are used to wasting time. I know when I was working, I could have easily used another 40 hrs in every working week. That is evidenced in others when you look at the times that people use this site, late at night, lunch times and early mornings.

Clairel, I have to admit when I was first made redundant I toyed with the idea of becoming a consultant ( I liked the idea of helping smaller companies). I realised that although I have quite a bit of experience it was very specialised and I would not be able to offer the sort of service that I would expect if I were them. I cannot criticise others though for trying in these desperate times. I understand your point about “lesser quality” but as some smaller companies have gone from sorting their own H&S to employing a “lesser quality” consultant, whom they can now just about afford, this is still an improvement. I appreciate the effect may be that the new business may not make it and take out an existing consultant as they are now sharing a limited pool of potential customers, but times are desperate. Consultants also have to start somewhere.

I wish the best of luck to all those out there, either waiting for results of interviews or still looking. A different discussion on this web site criticised people for moaning over the lack of jobs, and they are quite right. However if a little whining now and then helps to keep the stress levels down a bit and if it helps you focus on the job at hand in looking for work, (Pardon the pun) then no harm done.

Anyway time to stop wasting time and go and do something.
#99 Posted : 16 September 2011 15:56:02(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user


Although I also have a NEBOSH Diploma, the one I took sixteen years ago is vastly different to the current examination process and syllabus.

I am now aware that if I were not already a Chartered Member, this Diploma would no longer enables me to initially apply for Graduate Membership without submitting further skills based evidence.

There was also a phase where the NEBOSH Diploma was undertaken in two parts and I have interviewed a candidate who had not completed the second part but were still claiming the full Diploma on their CV!

As you can see the NEBOSH Diploma employability argument which is often put forward seriously irritates me, especially when the difference in standard between these are now greater than between that of other IOSH accredited courses for Graduate Membership.
#100 Posted : 16 September 2011 18:08:42(UTC)
Rank: Super forum user

My Diploma is newer ( 2008), however it has changed a little bit again since, but only with respect to the assignments, they do one big assignment now instead of 3 smaller ones ( I think). Generally do employers actually know the diploma has changed over the years ?, some adverts I read they struggle to understand the difference between IOSH, and NEBOSH. Some are not so clear on Cert or Dip either. I was made H&S Manager some time ( years) before I gained the NEBOSH Dip.

My problem is a little different. I have done more of the practical elements than you need to, in order to become chartered (IMO). However there is a question whether or not my experience is acceptable as it is more than 2 years old (3 to 4 years). I have asked the question (several times) but as yet I have had no response from IOSH (other than the original suck it and see approach). I’m not keen on that as it is very time consuming to pull this information together from so long ago, so asked for a written answer, one way or another. I’m guessing the holidays are over now so I may be lucky, though it has been over two months, so I’m not holding my breath.

I was talking to the Works Director of a company the other week and he seemed surprised that I was not chartered with the experience I had, and probably would not employ me as an H&S Manager without it. He also commented that he would not employ me for a role lower down the pecking order, as he felt I would leave the moment I could, due to my experience ( or expect more money than they would be willing to pay). Becoming chartered would not necessarily solve my problem on its own, but may help my CV make it through the first sifting exercise.

By the way there was no actual job, it was a hypothetical conversation with the Director, and I was just trying to get an employer’s take on my actual situation. So sorry, no point in asking me where it was.
#101 Posted : 30 September 2011 13:58:29(UTC)
Rank: Forum user

I had a part time job- permanent but part time and I could not live off the salary, but it was better than £65 JSA. Then along comes an agent who gets me an interview with a large national as a full time permanent H&S Advisor. I wrapped my part time job in and started for the large company. 6 weeks later (today) I was told I was no longer needed so I am out of work-
This happened to me last year too- after 3 weeks i was told i was no longer needed.
I think it is for the company's to show that they have a H&S presence so that they can win the contract then once that has been done they bring their own people in.
When I was out of work last year I spent 10 hours every day on the lap top and phone looking for work.
Very few agencies even bother to return the call which tells me that the jobs do not exist.
#102 Posted : 03 October 2011 17:22:16(UTC)
Rank: Guest

There are very few jobs at the moment try SHP online and www.hsejobs.proboards.com - dont give up !
David Thomas  
#103 Posted : 03 October 2011 18:08:19(UTC)
Rank: Forum user
David Thomas

Even more concerning....please see this link http://www.hrreview.co.u...tm_campaign=HRRU-CEZANNE
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