Rank: New forum user
I am trying to put together a HSE construction phase strategy, with specific reference to CDM and Mining regulations. Roles and Responsibilities. I would appreciate any examples or advice.
Two attempts have been submitted and rejected. I am beginning to question my own ability and or of those who are reviewing the document.
Rank: Super forum user
I think it would help if you explained what the project is, including whether it includes both CDM-able construction and mine development subject to MASHAM.
Rank: New forum user
The issue is the legislation for integrating both surface and underground works, i.e. the shaft sinking and the site preparation works. Naturally the sub surface works do not come under the CDM regulations therefore their is no need for a CDM'c and yet the new Mining regulations, due to become statuate next April are much more goal setting rather than the previous prescriptive mining legislation which it is replacing. Not before time, could allow us to have a similar role, yet under a different guise. My approach is that in the spirit of CDM it would make sense to continue using the CDM'c and Principal Contractor roles to ensure that we demonstrate site control for communication, and co-operation purposes.
Rank: Super forum user
Not up to date here about the proposed changes so please provide the detail of the new proposels
There are two activities here
1: 'mining a product' which is a production activity which is not a construction activity as far as I am concerned so driving shafts in the process of extracting coal to produce a product is not a construction activity
2: Driving a shaft to allow product gathering [mining] to begin is a CDM activity in the same way as installing lighting, air con systems, railway lines etc. that will allow production to start etc. are construction activities
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