Ian Bell2 wrote:
I would be thankful if someone told me that before spending money.
"Yes H&S is a great career and i'm loving it i'm making loads of money"
Is this what you want to hear?? As with any job you want to take, you need to do a bit of researching and seeing which part of Health and Safety you want to be involved in, there are so many different sectors that you could spend your whole career in environmental Health, or you may want to go into Construction H&S or just occupational H&S
Only you can decide what you want to do otherwise its like me asking a load of builders, "i want to go into Construction, Whats it like"
I would say, do some research, Read up online and decide what sector you want to go, Then look at the different courses and add ons for that particular pathway.
Only when you have it clear in your head what you would like to do can you decide what training is best for you and your Career
I'm working Construction and Yes whilst you can get around £300 a day you will be expected to have a considerable amount of experience and Knowledge, and perhaps a Trade yourself.
The Nebosh Course offers a Construction add on which is invaluable to this sector but a waste if you want to go into environmental H&S and work for local authorities.
So to Recap,
1. Decide if you want to Go into H&S
2. Look at all the different sectors and decide if any are suitable for you
3. Research and find everything you can about that Particular Sector
4. Plan and look at the different courses that would benefit your chosen sector
5. Gain work experience in that sector be it voluntary or paid, you can do the exams but its experience that gets you the Job.
Whilst your saying you want to spend an x amount of money on your training, that alone will not help if you've got absolutely no experience.
For some people this is a a nightmare scenario, unless you can get experience.
Good luck