Posted By Bill Fisher
This Thread has been removed as it has deviated from the original posting and contained complaints regarding the use of the Careers Forum.
The question as to who, what and how can post on this Careers Forum has been made clear over many postings and individual e-mails to those that have breached the AUGs.
Neal Clark posted this Thread back on 4th July:
The change to the careers forum has already been discussed at length since it was first announced on 1 June.
If you or any other IOSH member would like to discuss this policy decision further, I would invite you to start a thread in the IOSH Internal Business Forum.
In case you're not sure, you can request access to this forum by first logging into the discussion forums, and then selecting 'members forums' in the section links panel on the right of your screen.
On the next screen you will be given a description of the available members forums. Just click 'join here' next to the appropriate forum and fill out the short application form.
Please note that we are required to verfiy the membership status of all applications to these forums, and this is a manual process. As a result there may be a short delay in your application and you receiving confirmation that your application was successful.
Once you have received this confirmation, the members forum will be accessible from your 'my forums' list the next time you login.
Alternatively, you can email your comments to us directly at and we will respond to you personally in due course.
So to sum up:
As an individual you can post a message with a reasonable length (say A4) description of yourself and attributes. You must allow your e-mail link to be live.
In responding, an interested party should privately e-mail that person making contact, giving details and seeking further contact. You can post a 'bland' message on the Forum advising them to check their e-mail.
We would encourage individuals to post occassional updates letting others know how you are getting on in your search, but you cannot name the company concerned.
When someone from a company, Agency etc is posting a general discussion response or a response as above they cannot name their company, post there e-mail address, indicate they are an Agency or use a User Name that projects advertising. The live e-mail link may well contain the company name which we accept at this time.