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#1 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
Following comment by snt from another thread.....!

Thought this deserved a thread of its own.

As a former Tech SP (using Tech IOSH after my name) I am a little miffed despite my qualifications (Eng Honours Degree, Dip part 1, Diploma in Env Management, experienced and registered Auditor (QA & Env), SVQ Level 5 in management - made up of 90% of HSE work)and over 14 years HSE experience (achieving ISO 9000/14000 & OHSAS 18001 accreditations & numerous safety & env awards) I am unable to achieve MIOSH level and progress - unless I find the time and funding to do further education.

As it stands, the current IOSH membership structure bands me in with the likes of the newly qualified NEBOSH certificate holders (once they have the prerequisite 3 years experience). To me there is just no comparison (like chalk and cheese)

What about IOSH coming up with a recognised route to CMIOSH for mature members? If other chartered institutions can offer this route, why not IOSH? This could take place through peer panel reviews, 5000 word essay & perhaps accredited examination or such.

#2 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:23:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Homer
100% behind you on this one but surely you must be eligible for CMIOSH?
#3 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
Chartered by definition is a professionally qualified expert. To achieve this status, the holder must have completed/satisfied the Institute of possessing the required body of knowledge. In the case of IOSH, I need information on what the body of knowledge are. Having satisfied the requirement for body of knowledge, the holder have to have certain years of experience coupled with CPD. A poser, Does a holder of BTEC Accounting after several years of experience becomes a chartered accountant? Or does a holder of GNVQ Electrical becomes a chartered engineer?

I supported your arguement, but not through matured route rather it should be passing the qualifying body of knowledge. At the moment, a TechIOSH can become a chartered going through the CPD alone and not satisfying the body of knowledge. I have not open a can of worms, but creating awareness about the chartered status.
#4 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
Lets look at CIOB membership route.

Here the body of knwoledge are explicit and everybody knows where they stand.
#5 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:35:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
Homer, in response to your question, nope cannot become CMIOSH as my degree is in Mechanical Engineering (not H&S) whilst my SVQ/NVQ level 5 in Management (accredited by ILM) is not recognised as a cognate degree by IOSH.

Would snt care to back himself up, Tech IOSH can achieve CMIOSH??

If this is true, then please let me know - contact me on above link

#6 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:37:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

#7 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
Another one: http://www.safety-soluti...owchart%20for%20Clip.pdf

I am not sure about this one as it from a training provider.
#8 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:43:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin Keeler
Sorry folks, a tech IOSH cannot become CMIOSH by CPD alone.

#9 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:48:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
What is IPD portfolio?
#10 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:52:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
snt, have looked at both routes (the training provider one is a bit confusing).

The IOSH membership one is clearly defined, however where it states PGD/BSc/accredited level6 diploma etc, these are required to be in a H&S subject (or are they?).

One thing that probably becomes confusing for me is the fact there are two qualification frameworks in the UK, there is the England and wales version which highlights 8 levels, the level 6 qualification fitting into the same level as a degree, the NVQ 4 fits in at level 5, etc. Up here in Sunny scotland we have 12 levels, the level 6 qualification fits in somewhere between 9 & 10, whilst my SVQ level 5 fits in at level 11 - the same level as a Masters degree, which fits in at Level 7 of the England & Wales framework.

Mind boggling - we are all the same country, therefore sould be a standardised framework for all.

#11 Posted : 07 March 2006 11:56:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
I am under the same impression as Martin,

My understanding is that at Tech IOSH level, you require to maintain CPD to retain your membership otherwis you lose your status.

The same applies to CMIOSH

This ensures that all are kept abreast of ever changing legislation & development.

To snt, IPD is institute of personnel & development
#12 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham
That what a Grad IOSH does for two years to prove they are competent.

So if your Tech IOSH and have been since the horse and cart and have more degrees that a thermometer you still need to complete a professional qualification programme be it NEBOSH Dip, or BSc or other professional diploma where the subject is H&S and complete two years IPD as Grad IOSH before you get that all being CM in front of the IOSH bit, and until the you know nothing.

Great system!

What happened to all the members who where MIOSH but did not complete CPD did they get regarded to GradIOSH if they sis how many still use the letters MIOSH???
#13 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
The IPD skills portfolio, how are these measured? This is the grey area. What are cognate degrees?

The point here is that there are grey areas in the membership structures. The membership structures should be well defined, based on qualifying examinations, plus CPD/IPD portfolios through courses which can be given by exemptions as those IPD skills are often covered in some degree/PG courses. I have taken example from CIOB route which is well defined.
#14 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:05:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham
IPD in IOSH terms i've have understood to mean Initial Professional Development

i.e. regrdless of what you have done before now you have the qualification you can begin developing in the H&S field
#15 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:10:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
From gham's comments, that until I do diploma, degree in H&S, achieve Grad IOSH, do a 2 year CPD/IPD cycle, "I know nothing". There must me many other Tech IOSH practitioners out there in similar situation, who would find this comment derogatory if not downright insulting.

As one who "knows nothing" I probably have achieved more and am earning a better salary than some of the CMIOSH qualified practitioners out there.

Let's not lose sight of the concept, the IOSH membership structure tends to favour those of a certain status/level rather than being clearly defined to suit all.

snt, has indicated a website that shows a clearly defined membership structure to suit everyone, not just those who are flavour of the month
#16 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:18:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
Using the cognate route, you are qualify for GradIOSH witg BEng and Diploma in Env Mgmt and Dipl part 1, your aduditor training would also meet certain criteria, SVQ level 5 in management would count as your IPD. All you need is peer review. As your peer, I am still considering you. (Laugh). Get your form and lay your claims for Chartered status.
#17 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:30:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
snt, I think Hazel Harvey would require to clarify this, that an Engineering degree would satisfy this entry route. The Diploma in Environmental Management is the British Safety Council version, not NEBOSH. My Tech IOSH was achieved through the portfolio route (way back when Associate Members were considered worthwhile).

Will need to speak with Hazel first

#18 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham

Sorry i perhaps did over simplify it, from the perspective of an employer they are looking for particular letters to jump out at them. I was just trying to illustrate how straight cut the process is


#19 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:43:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
This is power point presentation by Hazel. www.ioshsoutheast.co.uk/pdf/Wales%20Branch.ppt

This have shed lights on the new structures. This has barred TechIOSH gaining the Chartered status without qualifications.
#20 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:44:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Hi all over there,

I am doing nebosh certificate (this march exam), more than three years H&S experience.

One of my vocational dreams is to join IOSH membership (from the zero point), and my previous idea about the membership issue was so simple, now i feel that the issue is so complicate, why i do not know? (i will keep reading responses to this thread, may i find fact to hold.

can anyone tell me, after one holds nebosh certificate, does he has a place in IOSH?


#21 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:46:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neil Denning
Hi Alex, Completely understand where your coming from, the course which I am just about to complete Hons Degree in Occ Safety and Health is seen by IOSH is accredited by IOSH after the second year this being the reason why I gained membership before completing the Final year.

Anyway back to the point I was on the course with another mature student who had already achieved a Degree and a Masters Degree in another subject area and she had also been a manager of an international company for many years. After completing the course she was still only awarded GRADOSH as she had the Qualification. Not from her previouse degree or masters from the diploma in occ Health and safety.

Basically IOSH didn't see her management experience specific to H&S so she could only become a graduate member and Theres me with only 3 years experience in H&S as an assisstant manager of H&S gained full membership. Needless to say she was a little anoyed by this with good reason.
#22 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Keith E
Well I thought I understood the new membership structure!

For myself, I orginally did the General Cert many years ago, then did the Pt 1 Diploma. Then get fed up with the whole NEBOSH/IOSH training system - i.e. lack of flexibility, failure to recognise other equally valid training etc (Like Alex I originally qualified in mechanical engineering - although 'only' HNC and not full degree). I objected to paying the cost of Dip Pt2, when so much of the syllabus is embedded within engineering/science which I had already studied and passed exams in - so why did I/Alex have to pay again?

However because IOSH is/was so inflexible, I eventually had to bite the bullet, and found the cheapest route was to study via the Open University to get MIOSH status (see other threads by snt posted over the last few days for my comments regarding Open University).

I finished OU studies 2yrs ago and achieved, the then MIOSH level of membership.

It is now my understanding that MIOSH no longer exists and that I am now Grad IOSH status.

I have enrolled on the CPD cycle to get CMIOSH, July 2007.

I find CPD to be a bit of a joke - having being employed in the safety industry now for nearly 10years,I don't need to be told that keeping up to date with legislation/changes etc is a vital part of the job. IOSH membership/CMIOSH is simply a way of getting a better paid job and everything that comes with it.

At the end of the day we are all playing a silly game. Cynical about safety - you bet I am!

Don't think I have ever come across an organisation/set of people so wound up and quite frankly 'snobby' about their qualifications and letters after their names. I am making strong efforts to totally get out of the safety industry as it is so petty and small minded. Its no wonder the profession has the reputation that it has in the general press etc.

I think it has to be recognised that 'elf and safety is a very broad church, and there always will be a number of ways of getting qualified and experienced.

In the final analysis, IOSH have simply been more successful, in the commercial sense in building their so called status. There are people where I work, who in my opinion are perfectly competent in their jobs, from the safety point of view and have no IOSH/NEBOSH qualifications.
#23 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:47:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin Keeler
Try IIRSM!! Good organisation who value their members.

#24 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:49:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin Keeler
Sorry I forgot to add, members at all levels
#25 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:50:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neil Denning
Hi again, If you do not achieve MIOSH status with your previous Qualification you may want to consider the OCC H&S two year diploma at Leeds MET.

This can be done through distance learning and with your previous Qualification you will be able to compact it into a year course.

If you do require contact details please let me know.
#26 Posted : 07 March 2006 12:54:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By dave burrage
I think an intersting point was made earlier regarding the status of those recent MIOSH members when the new structure came along. Were they simply 'given' CMIOSH or were they re-graded at Grad IOSH and enrolled on the IPD or CPD for the two year cycle to be eligible for CMIOSH?
#27 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
Neil, am currently looking at a few routes just now, Diploma part 2 with RRC (do not like the pass rate), Post Grad Cert in H&S with Strathclyde Uni, MSC Risk & Safety Management with Caledonian Uni - all are accredited by IOSH as meeting the criteria for Grad IOSH - once completed still talking another 2 years CPD - before achieving CMIOSH, so at the earliest Jan 2010 - sometimes wonder if it would be worth it?

Martin, already hold MIIRSM, do not feel that IIRSM is held in high regard as much as IOSH

#28 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:01:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neil Denning
Responce to Keith, Hi MIOSH does still exist the only thing which as change is the fact that RSP as altered to CMIOSH so instead of MIOSH RSP you now get CMIOSH.
#29 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:09:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Keith E
So am I MIOSH or now Grad IOSH?

I thought Grad IOSH.

I took the Open University Diploma in Environmental Decision Making route to MIOSH.

Frankly, what letters I have after my name, doesn't really interest me, just so long I get paid at the end of the month!
#30 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:14:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neil Denning
I am in the process of confirming MIOSH still exists will post once confirmed.

I am sure it is as I have just recieved certificate and card with MIOSH after my name.

Im with you the letters do not matter its the money at the end of the month that matters.
#31 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:16:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
You are GradIOSH. But empoyers are looking for MIOSH, so the Health and Safety Managers should be aware of these changes as well.
#32 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:28:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Neil Denning

If you graduate with IOSH recognised diploma you get GRADOSH and if you have 3 years exeperience you get still get MIOSH but you must be enrolled on CPD or you are stripped of anything and become affiliate.

These are Branch Chair Of Yorkshires Exact words pasted:

Yep Everyone has 2 years to complete CPD that are MIOSH if they do that they then become CMIOSH if they dont they lose any right to designatory letters and become affiliate

So if you are not registered on CPD you are only affiliate.
#33 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:33:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By gham

with regards to your first post..... well said. I wonder if i'll keep this up myself sometimes. I can't progress within the company a presently work with until I become a chartered member which will be in about 2 years if im lucky and i've been doing the job for 5 years.

If i do continue i will do so because i have to not because i want to.


With regards to you feeling that i was being derogatory towards TechIOSH Members, I was venting my frustrations, i am in the same boat as you (and the caley course is being changed to a degree next year i've done it and it is good, if you want further info on it let me know)

And finally have a look at job posting on some of the many web sites avaliable and even this one. How many prospective employers and agencies still get the membership designations wrong

#34 Posted : 07 March 2006 13:57:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
Judging by the comments raised from this thread, seems there may well be a viable need to suggest CMIOSH via a mature candidate route.

For attention of Hazel Harvey, do you think this option could be made available in line with other chartered institutions

How about it!
#35 Posted : 07 March 2006 14:02:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Keith E
I'm just looking for somebody to pay me at least the same money for doing my hobbies .....cricket, wargaming, mountain walking etc

When I do, then I'm off
#36 Posted : 07 March 2006 14:06:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Martin Keeler
Interesting point you raise regarding IIRSM v IOSH. The majority on the board at IIRSM hold IOSH membership at Fellowship and Chartered levels!

#37 Posted : 07 March 2006 14:41:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By D Whitelegg
I thought I was the only confused and somewhat miffed by the recent changes. Having read the posts here, clearly I'm not (though still a little confused. I'm currently studying for my Dip2 and had expected to get MIOSH status once I passed. However, I was told by IOSH that now I will get GradIOSH status for 2 years during which I need to complete the required CPD. Personally, GradIOSH sounds like I've just left college or something. I'm currently talking to IIRSM about what they offer. As I now work for myself, it's actually quite important to have the letters as clients recognise the qualification and have come to trust it. I don't think they will see GradIOSH in the same light. Interestingly, in all the comments on the post there does not seem to be a single one from IOSH officially to clarify or help answer some of the questions?
#38 Posted : 07 March 2006 14:46:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By snt
How about studying for an MSc and get MIOSH/CMIOSH?
#39 Posted : 07 March 2006 15:07:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Alexander Falconer
Interesting point you made snt, just discovered from ILM (institute of Leadership & Management), that depending upon specific rules laid by relevant universities/colleges, using my SVQ level 5 management qualification, I can actually claim up to 75% prior accredited learning towards an academic qualification such as an MBA or MSc, therefore would only require to attend/complete the necessary assignments/subjects to claim the full qualification.

If other organisations recognise this, I think IOSH could truly recognise some way forward

At the risk of perhaps upsetting one or two fellow practitioners (I hope not)

In this day and age, those H&S practitioners who are responsible for managing Health & Safety, how many can actually claim they understand where it fits in with othere areas of their businesses, what value it brings, how it is embedded into the daily grind, etc, etc,

Whilst having no experience to the trials of the IOSH CMIOSH recognised qualifications (diploma pt 2, MSc, etc, etc) and not knowing what subject matter they cover in terms of H&S management - I suppose it would be fair to assume that these do not include key business areas such as finance, quality, engineering, sales, purchasing, etc.

It would be fair to say, that a suitable H&S qualification, backed up with the necessary experiencem and training alongside a suitable management qualification - only at this point could one truly call themselves a Health & Safety Manager.

It is just an opinion

This particular thread certainly has generated some interest amongst us all, come on IOSH where are your views.
#40 Posted : 07 March 2006 15:11:00(UTC)
Rank: Guest

Posted By Sean Stephenson
You would still only achieve Graduate status following completion of an appropriate level qualification until you have completed a 2 year CPD.
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